Christian Convenience
Decorating one`s tree this Christmas, many will be without any knowledge or understanding of the meaning of their seasonal activity, which is to celebrate the birth of Jesus, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. The Bible is the book for millions of uneducated people, who go to their local church to listen to the `Word of God`, delivered from the holy texts by their pastor from the Old Testament, which purports to describe the early history of mankind upon the Earth`s surface as well as the traditions of the Jews in monotheism after their exodus from slavery in Egypt, before they settled in Canaan after war with the Canaanites, and from the New Testament that describes the events of the life and teaching of Jesus uncontaminate. The star upon the Christmas tree represents the one described in the New Testament of the Bible as appearing above the stable in Bethlehem where Jesus was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, as she and her husband, Joseph, were on their way to fulfil a census requirement by the Roman Empire`s administrators in Jewish Palestine.
In the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis, God tells Eve her `seed` `… will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Commentators agree that Jesus is the `seed` that will crush the serpent`s head, and his death by torture, when the Romans nailed him to a wooden cross, followed by his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, is interpreted as the crushing of the head of the serpent as Eve`s `seed` leaves. The biblical tradition is that the serpent was the angel, Satan, who didn`t want humanity in heaven, so God cast Satan to the Earth, and he became the serpent in the paradise of Eden where Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, dwelt. The serpent gave Eve and Adam `fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil`, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 15) God cast Eve and Adam out of the paradise of Eden for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, while exhorting Adam to labor, and telling Eve she`d have labor pain, before Redemption through her `seed`: Jesus uncontaminate.
Eve`s labor pain began after she and Adam were expelled from Eden because men and women born after paradise were `futanarian`, that is, women with penis` semen and host wombs of their own for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers to develop the technology that would save their labor and liberate the human race of women from host womb slavery in parasitism to men of the `serpent`s seed`. In male braining men could force their `projections`, that is, the male brained women, into accepting ephemerality, which was why God warned Eve and Adam they shouldn`t eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, because it`s a metaphor for the enslaving of women`s host wombs that will bring death to humanity, whereas the `fruit of the tree of life` is immortality. Eve and Adam were immortal because memory is important. In the Bible story of Cain and Abel, Cain kills Abel because he`s more able, that is, Abel can cook, and that`s pleasing to God, because it shows signs of developmental functioning, whereas Cain grows fruit, which is less developmental, but hunger makes the gathering of food instinctual, whereas the cooking of food requires memory. Consequently, Abel represents technological development and the memory needed to use technology and develop more, whereas the memories of creatures who`re ephemeral are less effective if they`re uneducated. Women who aren`t educated in their own species` `futanarian` nature don`t know they can sexually reproduce their own brains` powers for technological development, because men of the `serpent`s seed` want them to remain ephemeral and enslaved host wombs in parasitism.
In the late 20th century the incurable `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in `biological warfare` against the human species, extended homosexuality in pederasty`s virality. Held as a model for Western civilization, Greek society institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty`s enslavement of women`s host wombs to spread their contagion of war further. Before the walls of Troy the Greeks deployed a huge hollow wooden horse, according to the poet Homer`s Iliad (c. 760-10 B.C.), which the Trojans took into Troy as a `friendship gift`, even though their priest, Laocoon, had warned: `Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`1 The Greeks emerged from the inside of the horse to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women for homosexuality in pederasty and spread their contagion of war further. HIV/AIDS is the latest form of the virus, known as `men`, because it`s a metaphor for how homosexuality in pederasty`s contagion becomes ever more virulent after its enslaving of the host wombs of women.
By the early 21st century, the successors to the Greeks, the `geeks`, were devising `bad machine code`, known as `Trojan horses`, to infect computer brains, in acknowledgement of their Greek predecessors, who`d killed the brains and memories of the Trojan women in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty`s male braining for the acceptance of warfare and the spreading of its contagion through host womb slavery in parasitism. By killing the brains of computers, the `geeks` were emulating the Greek erasure of women`s `futanarian` history of sexual reproduction from their own penis` semen and host wombs for their own brains` powers and technological liberation from womb enslavement by men of the `serpent`s seed`, that is, without recorded history women wouldn`t be educated enough to develop the science of medicine to ensure they lived long enough to recover a `futanarian` history, which is why the `geeks` are endeavoring to infect and kill computer brains.
In the Bible Jesus is described as near the town of Gadarene, when he encounters a man who says his name is `Legion`, which was the word used by the Romans for their armies grouped as `legions`, and Jesus commanded the demons to leave. The demons left the man and entered the pigs who ran into a river and drowned. Because `Legion` represented the legions of Rome occupying Jesus` Palestine, the pigs` running into the river and drowning is what men under the command of Rome did, because they fought and died for homosexuality in pederasty`s parasitism. Consequently, the man Jesus met near Gadarene was a pig because he was a man, whereas Jesus uncontaminated born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, was `woman`s seed` and so not possessed by the demons:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
In the Bible Babylon is `a woman`, because enslavement of women`s host wombs in homosexuality in pederasty`s institutionalized warfare against the human species requires a `mother`, which is why Jesus is born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. Jesus` mothering of Jesus prefigures the Resurrection of `futanarian` women who can sexually reproduce with their own penis` semen and host wombs independently of men`s slave economics based on the perpetuation of war:
`And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head, and you strike his heel.` (Gen: 3. 14)
In the First World War (1914-18), following the industrial Revolution, which began in England (1760-1840), Imperial Germany sent soldiers to fight against the Western European allies in Russia, France and Belgium, which resulted in the collapse of capitalism in Russia on October 25, 1917, and the establishment of communism, that is, workers` control of the means of production, because the perception was that capitalists had sent a generation of men to their deaths. The theories of German, Karl Marx (1856-1939), in Das Kapital were applied after the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia ended Russian involvement in WWII. But it was implicit in the socio-economic theory of workers` independence from capitalism`s warmongering that women`s host wombs were enslaved in homosexuality in pederasty and warfare. Consequently, women were the workers, because civilization, culture and art emerged from their host wombs despite the parasites` depredations. If communism were properly applied, women would have control of the means of production, which is socio-economic independence for the human species from their parasite.
In capitalism advanced technology means progress for humanity, whereas HIV/AIDS` incurable killer disease spread by men in homosexuality in pederasty, and the `geek` successors to Greek democracy`s virality, that is, computer viruses, are amongst the signs readers of the Bible are told to expect in the last days before God`s judgment of eternal unendurable pain for the evil. Failure to cure HIV/AIDS during the Bosnian war (1990-95), when Christians set up rape camps for the Moslem women to mother a male brained generation when their marriage system of four wives permits of the possibility of sexual reproduction between women, and the Gulf war that began in March 2003 to depose Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, are signs that the socio-economics of men of the `serpent`s seed` is war, which is evil. Even the cause of the second Gulf war (2003-11) after the first (1990-1) to remove Saddam Hussein`s invading army from Kuwait, was the September 11, 2001, hijacking of `civil` airplanes by Al Qaeda terrorists from Afghanistan, led by Saudi Arabia`s Osama Ben Laden, to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York, as a symbol of men`s preference for `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty and war, because men prefer war to liberating advances in technology, education, and medical science through women, which is why Al Qaeda were the agent provacateurs of homosexuality`s pederasty in warfare:
`A person employed to associate with suspected individuals or groups with the purpose of inciting them to commit acts that will make them liable to punishment.`2
With Al Qaeda the aim was to waste money and direct Western democracy away from the liberation of women in homosexuality in pederasty`s warmongering socio-economy. Although no one could deny that the Bible of the Judaeo-Christian tradition is useful insofar as it recommends good, and that the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of the Moslems is similar, which contains the Old Testament stories of the Jewish exodus from slavery in Egypt and the New Testament narrative of Jesus` life, it`s about a nomadic desert people living in tents, and much of the narrative is inconsequential or impenetrably uninteresting and irrelevant to those who`re encouraged to imbibe it chapter and verse as spiritual treasure:
`A prophecy against Moab: Ar in Moab is ruined, destroyed in a night! Kir in Moab is ruined, destroyed in a night! Dibon goes up to its temple, to its high places to weep; Moab wails over Nebo and Medeba. Every head is shaved and every beard cut off. In the streets they wear sackcloth; on the roofs and in the public squares they all wail, prostrate with weeping. Heshbon and Elealeh cry out, their voices are heard all the way to Jahaz. Therefore the armed men of Moab cry out, and their hearts are faint.` (Is: 15. 1-5)
People who believe in the Bible believe Isaiah 15, `A prophecy against Moab`, is relevant to the 21st century, because the Moabites are a biblical people whose fate will be determined until God`s judgment. However, because God`s judgment is predetermined, the evil will experience eternal unendurable pain, whether Moabites or not; if they`re not good. Consequently, only the Moabites should care, and they`re part of the romance that fighting is good, because `Legion` are the Romans but, as the pigs driven into the river to drown illustrates, that`s what happens to those who believe in the romance of the legions of the Romans, and that`s what happens to the `Legion` of the demoniacally possessed who romance about war in the Bible because it perpetuates that `enmity` God warned Eve would ensue between her `seed` and the `serpent`s seed` after Eden:
`Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.`3
Although George Santayana`s philosophical observation from The Life Of Reason (1905-06) is irrefutable, those who insist on Bible students repeating the text until they`ve learned by rote are programing Christians to repeat the mistakes of the past, which was compounded by National Socialist (Nazi) Germany`s Christian pogroms against the Jews in the Second World War (1939-45) and the Bosnian war (1990-95) when women were imprisoned in `rape camps`. The Jews were the `chosen people` of the Old Testament whose tradition is that a Jew can only be born of a Jewess, which is essentially a `futanarian` belief in which Jewish women are the `chosen people` fulfilled in Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, because the `chosen` aren`t contaminated by the `serpent`s seed` that produced the Nazi `death camps` for the Jews in Christian Germany. The Bosnian war`s rape camps for male braining was a reestablishing of the pogrom against women`s human `seed`, as `futanarian` Moslem women, with their own penis` semen and host wombs for sexually reproducing their own brains` powers for technological liberation from host womb slavery in parasitism to men`s wars of homosexuality in pederasty, correspond to the `chosen people` of Judaism, because they`re women.
In Saudi Arabia the Ka` Ba is the temple of Abraham, who was the founder of Judaism through his son, Isaac, and Islam through his son, Ishmael. Moslems pilgrimage to the Ka` Ba during the annual `Haj` to Mecca, because they share in the Judaeo-Christian tradition and the `Eid Al Adha`, which follows, celebrates the sparing of Isaac, who Abraham was going to make a `blood sacrifice` at God`s behest, but God was testing Abraham`s faith and so spared Isaac. In the Bible Abraham is famous for God`s promising his descendants would be `numberless` as the `grains of sand in the desert`, or `stars in heaven`, while Ka` Ba is interpretable, in Egyptian tradition, as `Ka` or spirit and `Ba` or soul conjoined after death as the `Akh` or `magical personality`, which in `futanarian` terms is understandable as the Resurrection of the `woman`s seed`, because Abraham`s `seed` represents the desire of the woman`s spirit for her own soul.
Although the slaughter of the Somme, Ypres, Verdun, and other World War I battlefields, as well as the ovens of Belsen and elsewhere in which 6, 000, 000 Jews were consumed during World War II, suggests cannibalism, in fact parasites kill the host, which is why Jesus was the host at the `Last Supper` where he offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, and Judas betrayed him as a `dissident` to the Roman legion occupying Palestine because Judas was a traitor to the human host. Jesus` journey to Jerusalem, where he was tortured to death upon the wooden cross he was nailed to by the Romans upon the hill of Calvary outside the city, is criticized by biblical commentators, who impugn suicide, as Jesus was warned what would occur.
In cannibalism captives are cooked in pots, although it`s easier to cook the victim if she`s male brained, because the male brain agrees with itself that it should be cooked. Consequently, because Jesus was `woman`s seed` he was a difficult `pot`, before he was `snookered`, in the parlance of the modern snooker table, where it`s the aim of the player to spear the ball into one of the pockets unless his opponent has made it too difficult to `pot` by the devious means of `snookering`, which places obstacles in the way of success. Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death made it more difficult for the parasites, although the Bible narrates Jesus` `Second Coming` amid a prophecy he`ll `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, which suggests he`ll be a much more difficult `pot` when he returns.
Repetition is convenient, because it precludes progress. Consequently, although the Bible teaches why evil isn`t good, the repetition of evil events has the same effect as showing the movie, Towering Inferno (1974), and the giant ape`s climb up the Empire State building in New York to be attacked by jet planes in King Kong (1933), which imagery provided the stimulation for the movie, World Trade Centre (2005), where hijacked jets crashed into the Twin Towers of New York, because Arabians emulate what they see. The planes were hijacked at Boston, Logan, and Logan`s Run (1976) was a movie about `runners` pursued by `sandmen`, while the April 15, 2013, bombing of the runners at the Boston Marathon suggests a theme inspired by Middle East satellite and cable channels like MBC, broadcasting films like Towering Inferno, King Kong, Logan`s Run and World Trade Centre to impressionable young Arabians.
Women have been taught that living is about fighting, whereas it`s about avoiding being eaten by their cannibal, although men are their parasites, but the emotional overtones of the pejorative term `cannibal` makes the `futanarian`, that is, the `food`, sensible to her human species` plight, which is that the `foot` God tells her will `crush the head of the serpent` has been eaten by the parasite, because the term `cannibal` more properly belongs to `woman`s seed`, if she eats herself, and that`s what men of the `serpent`s seed` have taught her. The September 11, 2001, hijack that saw Al Qaeda terrorists crash planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center `live on CNN` illustrated what occurs when men of the `serpent`s seed` male brain the human race, because a single male brain is wearing men and women`s clothes as a transvestite or `TV` killing itself in repetitive dramatizations for the entertainment of itself watching the theme repeated on the `TV` for the `small screen` and on the `big screen` of movie theatres, for example, Night Of The Living Dead (1968, 1990, 2006), which features an accurate depiction of the truth from a radio announcer:
`It has been established that persons who have recently died have been returning to life and committing acts of murder. A widespread investigation of funeral homes, morgues, and hospitals has concluded that the unburied dead have been returning to life and seeking human victims. It's hard for us here to be reporting this to you, but it does seem to be a fact.`4
The Resurrection parody is what occurs in male braining reincarnation if rebirth is thought of as a legitimate belief system. With reincarnation successive rebirths would result in successive male brainings having something of the effect of a copier running low on toner, that is, the quality of the reproduction would degenerate. Consequently, the Night Of The Living Dead depicts reincarnation, that is, perdition, rather than Resurrection, but the repetition of the theme, as a remake of a film, popularizes reincarnation and perdition rather than Resurrection, which is what Hollywood Babylon`s celebration of male braining in `TV` transvestism popularizes.
The movie industry began in Hollywood, California, Los Angeles, in 1910, when director D. W. Griffiths made the film Old California there, and the `Hays code` (1930-67) established the `foot on the floor` room for bedroom scenes in which women were forbidden from raising their foot from the floor during romantic scenes with men, because it was a metaphor for God`s `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation from host womb enslavement in parasitism being kept on the Earth. The `serpent`s seed` of men prevent her from escaping the low level of technological development her lack of memory in ephemerality vouchsafes to the human species they`ve killed and culled into subjugation in order to inveigle themselves into her wombs as parasites devouring the host.
Although the Robert Redford and Jane Fonda movie, Barefoot In The Park (1967), presented supposedly heterosexual scenes of intimacy, the title of the film belied the absence of the woman`s naked penis in the flat overlooking New York`s Central Park, because men don`t want socio-economic independence for the human species, and so the events of September 11, 2001, were perfectly in accord with the `serpent`s seed` of men`s aim of wasting the Earth`s resources on war to produce another Hollywood, Babylon `blockbuster` movie, World Trade Centre, celebrating `rough trade`5 in homosexuality and pederasty`s `brutality and violence` against the humans.
Hollywood is a repeat of Babylon from the Bible because repetition is what Christianity teaches as educative, so Babylon was the ancient capital of Iraq (c. 4000 B.C.) and the second Gulf war was an attempt to provoke `Armageddon`, foretold in the Bible as the triumphant defeat of the forces of Satan by Christianity, whereas it wasn`t, which means that repetition of the theme of Babylon, as repeated by Hollywood, made Babylon Hollywood, because it repeats itself as a self-fulfilling profit, although God`s warning is that those who despise Eve`s `seed` won`t have Resurrection, but will have eternal unendurable pain. Consequently, if the United States of America`s film industry continues to prophet by humanity`s doom, its pejorative Middle East title, `Great Satan`, will be legitimized, and its pose as Christianity`s mainstay will have led its citizens to perdition, because it wants to be singularly successful, whereas in the Bible Satan has many `heads`:
`The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.` (Rev: 13. 2)
According to certain biblical commentators, the `leopard` is a symbol of Africa, while the `bear` represents Russia, the `lion` is the British Empire, and the `dragon` is Asia, which isn`t arbitrary, but it is guesswork. The `leopard` could be Arabia, and the `bear` could be the United States of America, while the `lion` is Africa and the `dragon` is Russian and Chinese communism. Acting in accordance with symbolic interpretation of what the Bible means in terms of the significance of animal imagery isn`t recommended, when global politics is the issue, because identification with animal forms isn`t recommended by God:
`You shall have no other gods before me.` (Ex: 20. 3)
Identifying nationally with animals, for example, the `eagle` as the emblem upon the `seal` of the authority of the President of the United States, is a rejection of God, while the reification of the pejorative terms, `Babylon` and `Great Satan`, were what the `battle of the Somme`, during WWI in which 1, 000, 000 men were killed or wounded, the Christian `rape camps` for the Moslem women in the Bosnian war, and the Gulf wars to remove Babylon`s `studio head` in the Middle East, that is, Iraq`s Hollywood production `mogul`, Saddam Hussein, represented. Because `Babylon` and `Great Satan` are terms for animal husbandry on the part of the `serpent`s seed` of men that wants the `futanarian` human race of women with their own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers to continue as the `Great Whore` of Revelation reproducing warfare for the `big screen` as transvestite `TV` repeated in male braining`s womb enslavement to homosexuality in pederasty`s desire to watch itself suiciding the human species as its sterile nihilist.
Decorating the tree at Christmas is symbolic of a Christian path for women to Mecca in Saudi Arabia as the culminating goal, rather than Jerusalem and the hill of Calvary, where Jesus was crucified as the `Redeemer`, because he was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, in prefiguration of `futanarian` marriage between women, represented in Islam by the four wived marriage, or `thumbed hand` indicative of `woman`s seed` of humanity`s capacity for development and progress through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers . For men, the path of spiritualized Christianity takes them to celibacy amongst `brothers`, and in Saudi Arabia women are `hidden` publically beneath their burkhas, that is, one-piece coveralls, usually black, from which their eyes only can be seen, which means that men are forced to be with each other. The result is that women`s human species` culture, civilization and art is devoured by men in their wars against her, because the Judaeo-Christian and Islamic traditions are for `woman`s seed`, which doesn`t want homosexuality in pederasty, but is murdered for rejecting it.
Jesus` birth star is atop the Christmas tree traditionally, is a symbol of the `tree of the knowledge of good and evil` transcended, because Jesus isn`t the Anthropos, or anthropoid `original man`, sitting at the top of the tree preventing the other apes from developing, which is what slavers do. Consequently, the children of parents receive gifts at Christmas, symbolic of those given by wise men at the Nativity of the Messiah, that is, gold, frankincense and myrrh, because they aren`t apes but humans. In Judaeo-Christian tradition Satan is the `ape of God`, because the evil emulate or `ape` humans in order to fool the humans into believing that they`re human.
The HIV/AIDS virus emulates the white leukocyte cell of the body`s immune system in order to be accepted so that it can kill the brain, which is what institutionalized host womb slavery in homosexuality in pederasty produces as that form of `biological warfare` spread by men of the `serpent`s seed` mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction. Feigning `brotherliness`, the evil `ape` humans before killing the brain, because that`s what homosexuality in pederasty and war is. Consequently, Satan is the `ape of God`, because Satanists pretend to be Christians, which isn`t difficult as `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for the development of labor saving technology and freedom from slavery are identified by anti-Christians, masquerading as believers, as `Satan`. The lie is their truth, because they haven`t pastors to teach the meaning of Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen, although the Bible describes HIV/AIDS as the `blood plague` (Rev: 16. 3-4) attending men`s refusal to convert from homosexuality in pederasty and womb slavery in parasitism:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
What they`d done was embrace homosexuality in pederasty and war through institutionalized womb slavery resulting in the `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS and the killing of humanity`s peripheral computer brain technologies through `geek` viruses based on the HIV/AIDS model and named for the `Trojan horse` the Greek predecessors to the `geeks` left outside the walls of Troy apeing friendship so that the Trojans would take the horse into the city and the Greeks would emerge from within the horse to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women for homosexuality in pederasty and spread their viral contagion further. Consequently, the `scientific` hypothesis that HIV/AIDS originated with apes is philosophically well founded,6 because men of the `serpent`s seed` in homosexuality in pederasty and war`s contagiousness are the `ape of God` insofar as they fake humanity. Although scientific research doesn`t stress the findings, because of elitist distinctions between the animal and the human, HIV/AIDS comes from apes, and so Charles Darwin`s The Origin Of Species (1859) thesis that men are apes evolutionarily is contestable, because HIV/AIDS is transmittable from apes to men. Washing hands is Christian repetition because children must, although Bible teachers presume Christianity is more difficult than good instruction, whereas the injunction upon the child to be good is all that`s required by God, and cleanliness is good, because HIV/AIDS is transmittable from apes to men. Consequently, the Bible is repeated ad nauseum to congregations of churchgoers by priests who aren`t taught the meaning of the words, and there are no teachers to transmit the truth, because Christianity has cultivated occlusion through impenetrability as its medium for preventing the meaning of Jesus` birth from being readily disseminatable:
`So they put slave masters over them to oppress them with forced labor, and they built Pithom and Rameses as store cities for Pharaoh. But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread; so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites and worked them ruthlessly. They made their lives bitter with harsh labor in brick and mortar and with all kinds of work in the fields; in all their harsh labor the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly.` (Ex: 1. 11-14)
Although the book of Exodus from the Bible describes the Jews` slavery in Egypt, the description is identical to capitalism, that is, repetition of the description of the economic system used to enslave the Jews in Egypt is a `blueprint` for Christian socio-economy, that is, repeated by Satanists in a learning by rote educational framework, the Bible is a Satanical `kindergarten` in which the children `copy` what they`re taught to repeat verbatim, because emulation of slavery is what Satan, the `ape of God`, wants. Islam derives from Hajar, the Egyptian handmaid of Abraham`s wife, Sara, and Abraham`s concubine, when Ishmael was born of her, before the Koran of the Prophet Mohamed, dictated by the angels of God, according to Islamic tradition, became the basis for Moslem marriages with four wives. The Moslems` pilgrimage to the temple of Abraham, built by Ishmael in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is `Haj` because of Hajar, that is, the Ka` Ba represents an alternative tradition, because the Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians. Consequently, the argument between Islam and the Judaeo-Christian tradition, which includes communism as that form of political socio-economy against capitalism and for the producer, that is, women, is about slavery.
Capitalism represents ring slavery in monogamous possession of a host womb productive of `chattels`, that is, children and goods produced thereby, whereas Islam represents the possession of more than one womb by an enslaver, and after the October 25, 1917, Revolution in Russia, communism degenerated into the collective state control of women`s host wombs as the `means of production`, rather than `workers control of the means of production`, where women are the producers. Economic theory is that the workers are worked by the producer to produce, whereas the producer is the woman whose womb and children are worked by the enslaver as `chattels`. Consequently, the human species` workers, produced by the producers (women), are enslaved by her parasites (men), because women (humans) are `futanarian`, that is, the human species` penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of humanity`s brains` powers for liberation from slavery through technological progress.
The book of Genesis from the Bible describes how the human race was enslaved by an alien parasite that inveigled itself into the host womb of the species, and killed and culled the human penis of women in slavery, parasitism, and death. Although Adam is represented as a male, Eve`s sexual partner was a `futanarian` human with her own penis` semen and host womb. Eve and Adam`s encounter with the serpent, Satan, depicts humanity`s enslavement by an alien, which has developed a variety of socio-economic and religious lies to implement its pogrom. Although Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen, and the four wives permissible in Islam, indicate the path of `woman`s seed`, institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war`s enslavement of the `futanarian` human species` `seed` by the `serpent`s seed` promises doom, rather than liberation, from alien enchanters enchaining humans with fine sounding words from the Bible humbly refusing to accept Satan.
1 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 B.C.
3 Santayana, George The Life Of Reason, 1905-06.
4 Radio Announcer, The Night Of The Living Dead, The Walter Reade Organization, 1968.
5 `A person, especially a male prostitute, who engages in or appears likely to engage in [violent, often brutal sex] acts,`;_ylt=A0LEV0qGq0BUVeYAVbVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByaHEyNGMxBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1VJQzFfMQ--?p=rough%20trade&.sep .
6 Lovgren, Stefan `HIV Originated With Monkeys, Not Chimps, Study Finds`, National Geographic News,
June 12, 2003, .
Moslem Mite
The angels dictated the words of the Koran (610-30 C.E.), which forms the basis of the Moslem belief in the religion of Islam, to the Prophet Mohamed, according to Moslem tradition, more than six hundred years after the death of Jesus, who was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and so was described as the first of `woman`s seed`. Although Jesus didn`t pray as Moslems on carpets, there are incidents in Christ`s life indicative of his knowledge of what Islam would be. When he met a man near the city of Gadarene, the man was possessed of demons and was unable to speak coherently, according to the New Testament of the Bible, based on the narrative history of the Jewish teacher Jesus` life, as corroborated in the accounts of four of his disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and which are called in Christianity the Gospels. The demons left the body of the man and went into pigs that ran off a cliff and drowned (Mk: 5. 11), because they were driven to do so by the demons, as that`s what demon drivers do. The analogy between computer software driven by drivers, and humans driven by demons, is real. Rather than be driven by demons, humans have developed software drivers to drive programs to help them. Mainly because they lack the memory capacity to store the information they need in order to live, while the `geeks` of the computer age devised `bad machine code` in the form of viruses to kill the brains and memories of computers modelled after the incurable `killer disease` of the late 20th century, HIV/AIDS, which achieved its objective by feigning kinship with the white leukocyte cells of the human body`s defense system before killing the brain.
Called `Trojan viruses`, the `bad machine code` devised by the `geeks` was the successor to Greek homosexuality in pederasty`s institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs to spread their contagion of war further. Before the walls of Troy, the Greeks deployed a huge hollow wooden horse from which they emerged to capture the city and enslave the host wombs of the women in pederasty and war when the Trojans took the horse inside Troy mistakenly believing the `Trojan horse` to be sympatico. Just as homosexuals pretend to be sympatico to their victims when spreading the contagion of HIV/AIDS by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during sterile mockeries of human sexual reproduction. The exponents of `biological warfare` against women`s host wombs would have her understand they`re sympatico, whereas they represent the `Greek` virus, war. Because women have the capacity to sexually reproduce their own brains` power as `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, the `bad machine code` of the `Trojan virus` of the `geeks`, which disables computer memory, is analogous to men as the virus of `Greek` homosexuality that, in removing the penis` semen of woman`s daughters from the Earth, has removed women`s brain storage capacity to remember why men are her contagion, while simultaneously preventing her from escaping from slavery through technologies of her own human brains` devising that would save her labor and free her from host womb enslavement by her parasite.
In the 20th century labor-saving technologies and advances in medical treatment were characterized by nanos, that is, microscopic robots based on the model of carpet mites designed initially for California`s Santa Clara Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area of the state of Northern California, the United States of America, which is called `Silicon Valley`,1 because microchip industries arose there to provide tiny components for miniaturization so that formerly bulky equipment could be transported more readily; such as laptops instead of desktop computers, for example. The analogy of the microchip, constructed by nanotechnologies` robot mites, is the carpet mite, while carpets are the basic feature of Islam for Moslem believers in the Koran, and so microchip technology is associated with carpet mites, that is, nanos, as an invention of humans deriving from their knowledge of God discovered through prayer.
Although Jesus` history as a Jew draws on his knowledge of the Old Testament, which contains the history of the Jews, the Koran of the Moslems contains the history of Jesus and the Jews, who descended from Abraham`s son, Isaac, while Islam derives from Abraham`s son, Ishmael. In Saudi Arabia`s city of Mecca, the Ka` Ba temple of the founder of Islam and Judaism, Abraham, is the center for the Moslem pilgrimage of the Hajj, which takes place each year and culminates in Eid Al Adha, `the feast of the sacrifice`, celebrating God`s sparing of Isaac that is, the founder of Judaism, from being sacrificed to God by Abraham. Consequently, although the Jews are depicted historically as antagonists of the Moslems, the central feature of Eid Al Adha is a celebration of Jesus` future birth as the `lamb of God`, who was killed, according to Christian tradition, so that mankind would have Redemption, that is, although Isaac founded Judaism, and was spared by God, Jesus uncontaminated by male semen was nailed upon a cross by agents of the Roman Empire and tortured to death. God`s plan for Redemption is signified by Jesus` Resurrection after crucifixion and Ascension to heaven, because Jesus was uncontaminated by male semen:
`I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)
Because `futanarian` women have their own penis` semen and host wombs, they`re uncontaminated by men`s `serpent`s seed`. God expelled Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, from their original paradise of Eden, for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The `tree of knowledge` was death, while Eve and Adam had rejected God`s `tree of life`, which was immortality, for host womb slavery in parasitism and ephemerality, that is, Eve`s `futanarian` daughters, who were her `foot`, were killed and culled after Eden to maintain men`s parasitism upon Eve`s daughters` host wombs and their children`s brains. Consequently, the Ascension of `woman`s seed` as Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, prefigures the Resurrection of Woman, which is Redemption for a host species enslaved by parasites, although it`s in the parasites` interest to maintain medical science at a level that ensures humans die shortly after they`ve reproduced a new generation in parasitism, which is why HIV/AIDS remained an incurable `killer disease` indicative of homosexuality in pederasty and `biological warfare` against humanity at the outset of a 21st century in which `Greek` homosexuality in parasitism was augmented by `geeks` devising `bad machine code` to infect humanity`s auxiliary computer brains and kill them too. Jesus` teaching is that humans are driven by demons, which is why `geeks` are analogous to demons, who prevent human software from functioning by infecting their brains, like the ancient Greeks before Troy were described by the poet Homer in his Iliad (c. 760-10 B.C.) virally waiting to infect the city by enslaving the host wombs of the Trojan women to spread the contagion of institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war further. Because Jesus drives the demons out of the man near the city of Gadarene, he represents the driver human software needs, while the pigs that drown themselves in the water when possessed by demons represent what happens when `geeks`, that is, the successors of Greek homosexuality in pederasty and war, drive. Consequently, nanos resemble pigs, that is, demons are drivers unacceptable to humans, because they`re the equivalent of mites in carpets, whereas nanos are robots found in microchip driven software helpful to humans. Praying to God represents the desire to be software driven by Jesus` spirit rather than mites, which are the infecting pigs in the carpet. Consequently, pigs are `haraam` or impermissible in Islam, because Moslems pray on carpets and they don`t want carpet mites preying on Moslems.
The developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), observed that the human psyche contained what he called archetypes visible in art, imagination and dreams as figures or images that communicated something of the ineffable spirit of God and constituted the impulse engine of the race towards development and progress. The carpet of Islam`s prayerful believers is an archetype translated into the nanotechnology of the microchip industries of Silicon Valley and elsewhere, while the carpet mites are translated in archetypal terms into the nano robots constructing microchip magic through which humans will ascend to the planets and stars, and that`s depicted fabulously in the 8th century collection of Arabian folktales, 1001 Nights, where carpets transport people `magically` from one place to another.
The United States discovered `cargo cults` that had arisen after the Second World War (1939-45) to thwart German Imperialism by the Europeans and Japan`s Imperialist ambitions in the Pacific theatre, where native South sea island peoples had constructed full scale aeroplane models based on what they had seen of the US` air force. Because microchip technology, with nano robots that look like carpet mites, is deducible from Moslems praying on carpets that contain such mites, the `cargo cult` analogy is applicable. Moslem`s preying on carpets reflects the low level technological aspirations of the native South sea islanders in the face of advanced US` airplanes, that is, the carpets with their mites are archetypally analogous to the nanotechnology of the microchips, because that`s how Islam bets with silicon chips on the inventive genius of their prayerful slaves` developing new technologies from magic carpets.
To suggest that Moslems pray to the mites on their carpets, which are of the arthropod genus similar to arachnids, that is, spiders, because nanotechnology is the transformed version of the natural insectoid worker in miniaturized robot form, seems bizarre. But if the Moslem peoples are rich in anything apart from oil and faith, it`s sand, which is comprised mainly of silica, that is, Silica Dioxide (SiO2), and is what silicon chips are made of. Consequently, the combination of carpets, mites, and sand is an essential ingredient to a high technology civilization, based on the existence of an archetypally developmental connection, between mites at the microbiological level of nature, and robots at the nanotechnological level of science. In Moslem countries, like Sudan, the division between horse and cart society and that of the oil driven automobile is evident, which suggests that a division between the society driven by oil and that of the nanotechnological chip is real too. Many have wondered how the Arabs would manage without oil, but if the deserts that contain their cities represent their wealth in silicon, they`re already managing a social stratification that keeps carpet slaves for ingenious inventiveness in prayerful Islam amidst the magic carpet riders of a future fuelled by sand and silicate.
A demon is a mite but, in archetypal terms, it`s a nano prototype, that is, when Jesus encountered the demon possessed man, `My name is Legion,` he replied, `for we are many.` (Mk: 5. 10) The pigs were driven into the water and drowned when they left the man who was driven by them as human software driven by a prototypical nano. In terms of Jungian developmental psychology, the demon archetypally prefigures nano driven technology, that is, `Legion` represents a content of the collective unconscious emerging to drive the human software, although Jesus` demonstration of what demons are indicates that the prototypical nano technology wasn`t sufficiently developed in the collective unconscious of the human psyche to be useful for anything other than impelling. Although impetus is the essence of archetypal configurations within the human sphere of unconscious mental activity becoming conscious, development isn`t compulsion. Consequently, the demon is the nano without its software, which suggests its software exists, but it`s hidden, that is, it`s the nanotechnology of a second, or even third tier, of a civilization`s higher levels of development corresponding to the artificially maintained division in Sudan between the horse and cart society and that of the automobile.
Jesus` encounter with the demon possessed man represented a discourse with nascent nanotechnology, or the remnants of a hidden civilization`s nanos that were driving the human software as the closest approximation to what they were for. Because Jesus` interlocutor describes himself as `Legion`, it`s possible that `Legion` was the remnants of a software for which the drivers still existed, but the software didn`t, and so the man Jesus discovered near the city of Gadarene was being driven by the drivers as the expedient. Imperial Rome described its armies as legions and so `Legion` could correspond to prototypical nanotechnology that had driven some part of the Roman army as `software` and that had met the usual fate of soldiers everywhere and been killed. Consequently, `Legion` could mean the `spirits of the dead` that abide upon the Earth seeking redress through demonic possession, or those nanos that remain after the software has run its programed course and require new software to drive in order to fulfil a program that Jung describes as what emerges from the collective unconscious of the archetypes and could include `demons` as prototypical nanotechnology for the transformation of human software into more enduring, that is, immortal forms, corresponding to those God promises Eve will ensue after her work of Redemption is complete with the birth of Jesus uncontaminate.
Because Jesus is a self-driver and isn`t driven, although humans are driven, if the God archetype of the collective unconscious, corresponding to the supraordinate `Self` of Jung`s developmental psychology, perceives some lack in terms of archetypally directed individual growth, demons are archetypal contents of the collective unconscious that the individual, who doesn`t want to develop, experiences as possession, because they function as impulses, which he resists as separate and distinct personalities emergent as the schizophrenia, `Legion`. As Jesus was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, and was the first of `woman`s seed`, he represents `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and Resurrection for Eve`s `seed` after his crucifixion, death, and Ascension to heaven, that is, a solution to women`s schizophrenia, which is the conditioned acceptance of men`s `seed` in schizophrenia-inducing rejection of her own species` semen. Taught that what she sees isn`t desirable for herself in the mirror of her dreams, a woman who has feelings for other women may repress such supposedly `lesbian` feelings and induce a schizophrenic approach to life in which her race`s true natural desires are repressed because development seems possession by demons, whereas it`s her species` nanos driving her to socio-economic independence from men`s enslaving her host womb to homosexuality in pederasty and war`s parasitism that she`s rejecting.
Christianity is a separatist religion in which there are distinguished Christians, and those who aren`t and so are the extinguished. Because women have been killed and culled since Eden to prevent their having penis` semen of their own and brains, they`re extinguished by definition. Consequently, in Christianity there`re only the separate and extinct, that is, the male brained and their projections, who`re the female image of the males with the males` male brains as the extinguished female counterpart of the distinguished Christian males who`ve killed her - at least by proxy - in order to appear distinct from the extinct, which wasn`t Jesus` teaching of immortality through the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` from extinguishment by distinction. Jesus` precept was that Judaic law, which was reducible to not taking another`s life, that is, don`t steal, kill, take another`s wife, etc., was distillable as, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself,` (Matt: 22. 39) while Christianity is separation from those who`re not like they. Consequently, Christians distinguish themselves by inaccessibility, that is, spiritual aloofness, which negates others` existence whose ignorable identity is equivalent to extinction by distinguishing Christianity. Ignored women are the basis of male supremacist philosophy, that is, `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb`s virtual non-existence devolves from male braining through male semen and so women are no longer human women but mirror images of men themselves.
In the Hollywood, `Babylon` movie, The Stepford Wives (1975), starring actress Katherine Ross, men replace their wives with robots, who`re idealized versions of the originals, which is what male braining represents, that is, women become projections of men`s `serpent`s seed`, which God warned Eve her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with. For men women are their bred animal natures, so they`re a fake reproduction, rather than God`s originally intended work of art. Comprising humanity`s mother, Eve, and the children of Eve by her first man, Adam, the thwarting of `futanarian` women with their own host wombs and penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation from enslavement by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s constitutes that `perpetual enmity` men have engaged with by seeking women`s subjugation in copying rather than assist her human species to reproduce herselves.
Practiced women would complain of a casual sex partner leaving a present when a sexually transmitted disease (STD) was detected by a medical expert, so the incurable `killer disease`, HIV/AIDS` biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 16. 3), constituted mail braining, that is, an attempt to infect the woman`s brain and kill her by the exponent of homosexuality in pederasty and war`s late 20th century `biological warfare` leaving the woman a present in her box.
Although Jesus` driving of demons out of the man near the city of Gadarene resulted in their possessing the pigs and drowning them, because the pigs correspond to nature`s prototype nanos, they represents women`s revenge, that is, the demons in the pigs are nature`s nanotechnology for women drivers, who`re denied their own human software because men have killed or culled their `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` and so men possessed of self-destructive impulses are possessed by women`s nanos. The women if Islam pray upon their carpets for nanos from mother nature to drive their Moslem faith. In Islam marriages have four wives and so there`s opportunity for nano-driven women to sexually reproduce with `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb, and that`s why pigs are `haraam` or forbidden in Islam because they`re the women`s nanos reduced to carpet mites, but which the women need as their drivers so that their nature`s human software program runs. The term `nana` in English means `grandmother`, so women pray to their `futanarian` ancestress for Resurrection and her nanos as the women`s drivers. In Saudi Arabia and other Moslem countries it`s `haraam` for women to drive, because men fear their nanos, which in Christian terms are the pigs possessed by the women drivers that were drowned when they left the demon possessed man at Jesus` bidding, and that`s why pigs are `haraam` or forbidden in Islam and Judaism, because they`re women drivers. The movie, The Stepford Wives, is science fiction horror, because the women lose the possibility of driving themselves with their nanos help, that is, they represent male braining, which is the perception by the male that, if the women are killed by them in `snuff` movies, it doesn`t matter because the women are only carbon copies of the men themselves. Consequently, despite the apparent care men take over women in Hollywood, Babylon movies, with the token female protected throughout whatever global disaster is occurring, `snuff` movies in which women are killed for entertainment is what they`re preparing:
` … [she] will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
God`s words to Eve about her `seed` relate to the early days of Hollywood, Babylon in which the `Hays code` (1930-67) forbade the foot of a woman to be raised from the floor in bedroom scene, because filmmakers didn`t want the penis of `futanarian` women to appear as that would facilitate the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` and her escape from Earth through the technology devised of her own brains` powers. Jesus` perception with the demon possessed man was that he was `Legion`, that is, men of the Roman Empire who`d died as soldiers and become bodiless spirits unable to leave Earth, whereas women`s nanos aren`t pigs, which is why the pigs are driven off a cliff into the water and drown. That`s what parasites do with their host. Witness men`s ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` over the Earth since Jesus` time despite women`s bodies endeavouring to produce civilization, culture and art from their host wombs:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
In male braining women`s nanos are lost and so men make fake women as copies, which are only women on paper, for example, publisher Hugh Hefner`s Playboy magazine, which features fake women without penis of their own as male brained copies of God`s original artistic intention, and that`s Satanism, because the women are literally projections of men`s lust for each other in homosexuality in pederasty and war`s `killer virus`. Praying for nanos to make women is what Moslem women in Islam do, so they can sexually reproduce with their own penis` semen and host wombs and escape from men who label them pigs for wanting to drive themselves. In Christianity, Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` to his disciples as tokens of his `body and blood`, when he`s host at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, is rejected by the disciple Judas when he betrays Jesus to the Romans and so betrays the human host. In orthodox Christianity the `bread and wine` is given by the officiate to the petitioner at the church in the Communion ritual of transubstantiation, that is, transformation of the body of the individual in receipt of the wafer and wine from the officiate`s chalice in acceptance of women`s nanos, that is, the natural drivers of the human race, which is what Jesus uncontaminate, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, represents. Because science`s nanotechnology is based on the analogy between carpet mites and nanos that help to make microchip technology function, nanos represent the transformation of human bodies through the acceptance of female drivers, which is why women are forbidden to drive in Islam because men don`t want to be transformed from what they are in enslaving misogyny to what Jesus envisions in Christianity:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
Because the human host won`t be male, it`ll be female. According to Judaeo-Christian tradition, Satan was the angel cast out of heaven by God for refusing to accept Eve and Adam`s offspring would be greater than the angels, and so Satan was transformed into the serpent of Eden. If God wanted `woman`s seed` he put Satan in the wrong place, although Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden for disobeying God`s injunction that they eat only of the fruit of the `tree of life`, that is, immortality, rather than the `tree of knowledge`, which path was longer and more painful because it began with men`s enslavement of women`s host wombs and her death in ephemerality because of the virus. In Islam Satan is Iblis, an evil djinn, according to the Koran, in which djinn are different to men and women. Because they`re `futanarian` humans and so undegenerate that they`re perceived in male braining as `magical`, which is where stories of magic carpets, such as those of the 8th century collection of Arabian folktales, 1001 Nights, originate. Because human intelligence is capable of inventing the flying car, whereas in male braining it`d interfere with slavery, and so Moslems pray on carpets rather than fly in nano driven cars.
Hoefler, Don C. `Silicon Valley, USA`, Electronic News, January 11, 1971.
Santa`s Sack
The figure of Santa in a red suit, and a white beard with a sack, has been a feature of traditional Christianity since the story of Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, in a stable in Bethlehem, when Mary and her husband, Joseph, were on their way to fulfil a census requirement imposed upon the population of Palestine by the Roman Empire. Although Mary was married to Joseph, the meaning of Jesus` birth is he was born uncontaminated by male semen in fulfillment of God`s promise that `woman`s seed` would, `… crush the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) In the Bible the serpent is Satan, the angel cast out of heaven for refusing to accept that mankind would be greater than the angels, and God transformed Satan into the serpent that gave Eve and Adam, the first man and woman, in the paradise of Eden, `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, saying:
`You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)
Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, God was planning the birth of a new species of `woman`s seed` even before Eve and Adam`s expulsion from Eden for accepting the `fruit of the tree of good and evil`, rather than God`s `tree of life`, which was immortality. The new species God planned would emerge from the host womb of Eve after paradise as the `foot` God envisioned crushing the serpent, that is, the `futanarian` race of women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` power to defeat evil, which represented the `knowledge of the fruit of the tree of good and evil`, as Redemption and Resurrection for the human race, through medical science, that is, immortality and the renewal of the `tree of life` through `woman`s seed`, symbolized by Jesus` birth uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men and their killing and culling of the `futanarian` race of women born after Eden in order to impose host womb slavery upon her species in parasitism and ephemerality.
Women who have memories of their own species` penis for the sexual reproduction of their own brains know too much for men and so they keep women as ephemeral host wombs in parasitism, and even technology with its computer memory is attacked by `geeks` with `bad machine code` they call `Trojan viruses` so as to prevent women from knowing the truth about their own species` penis. The `geeks` are the modern counterpart of the ancient Greeks whose society was based on institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and women`s host womb slavery for the spread of its virality in war.
The poet Homer in the Iliad (760-10 B.C.) documents how the Greeks deployed a huge hollow wooden horse outside the city of Troy, which the unsuspecting Trojans took inside to where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women in slavery and institute homosexuality in pederasty to spread their virality further. By the late 20th century, the virality of the `serpent`s seed` of men had translated itself into homosexuality`s `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` as a means of keeping women in faithful ring slavery to monogamy in parasitism with a creature not her race. The HIV/AIDS ` virus spread by homosexuals mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of genuine heterosexual sex between women rather than sex with the virality of men`s `serpent`s seed` behaved as the Greeks before Troy. Feigning friendship for the white leukocyte cells defending the human body, the HIV/AIDS virus gains acceptance before killing the brain, which is what the Greeks and the geeks did at Troy and with their `Trojan virus`, that is, homosexuality is Satan`s plan to prevent `woman`s seed` from sexually reproducing her own brains` powers from her own penis` semen to defend her own human species.
Jesus` birth was attended by the appearance of a star in the heavens and that of Melchior, Caspar and Belthazar, magi from Persia, India and Arabia, who`d brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The Christian tradition of Santa derived from the gifts given by the wise men to the infant, Jesus, on the day of his birth, which in Christianity is celebrated by gift giving on 25 December each year. The figure of Santa and his sack is God represented as a wise old man with a white beard and Jesus as God`s gift to the Earth. Because Jesus` symbol is the fish in Christianity, Santa is identifiable through the story of Moses and Joshua in the Old Testament of the Bible. By the Red Sea Joshua has a fish for Moses` supper, but he loses it in the water, and the figure of Khidr appears, who is the wise old man of the holy book of the Koran (610-30 C.E.), which was dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels of God, according to the Moslem religious tradition of Islam, that is, `acceptance`. Commentators upon the `Al Kahf`, Sura 18, that is, `The Cave` chapter of the Koran, perceive Khidr as the fish lost by Joshua and reappearing to Moses as a prefiguration of Jesus. The earliest Christians used the fish as a secret sign of their gathering together, because Jesus was their fish. However, Joshua ben Nun`s patronym means `son of the fish`, because he was the military leader of the Israelites after they were released from slavery in Egypt and fulfilled God`s promise of a land for the `chosen people` after Moses` death when he captured the city of Jericho in Canaan, that is, Joshua was the fish which was lost and found again by the Red Sea.
The subsequent travels of Khidr and Moses witnessed by Joshua are his education. In the Koran Khidr tells Moses he won`t understand what he does, while Moses was the receiver of the law of God that the Israelites had to obey, which meant the adoption of rationality. Khidr is irrational from Moses` point of view, because he rebuilds a wall that has treasure underneath, kills a child, and makes holes in ships before sailing away in another ship. Although Khidr explains that the treasure wasn`t yet to be found, the child was evil, and he didn`t want slavers to catch up with him, Moses prefers his own limited understanding, that is, he prefers rules for behavior, so he represents God`s law. Joshua ben Nun is the fish, because Jesus is the fish, that is, he`s Joshua reborn, and he`s learned from Moses and Khidr.
Santa with his sack refers to ancient Egypt as well as Khidr, who is depicted in Islamic art as standing on a fish, because he`s sustained by God. In ancient Egypt `Ka` and `Ba` are spirit and soul while Ka` Ba in Islam is the temple of Abraham, founder of the Israelite religion of Judaism through his son, Isaac, and Islam through his son, Ishmael, that is, the Ka` Ba is the legacy of ancient Egypt, where spirit and soul are conjoined in the afterlife as `Akh`. Consequently, Khidr, Moses and Joshua ben Nun represent that wisdom of the ancients which is Santa`s `Akh`. Because God`s planned new species after Eden wasn`t born for Satanism, which is the soul of the woman trapped in the man`s body sexually desiring the body of the woman`s spirit. Consequently, the `Ka` Ba of Abraham represents the promise of God to Abraham that his `seed` will be:
` … as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.` (Gen: 22. 17)
As it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a woman, women are the `chosen people` and so it`s their `seed` God is envisioning for Abraham, as the consequence of Redemption and Resurrection for `woman`s seed` after Jesus` prefigurative birth and Resurrection, subsequent to his being tortured to death by the Romans when he was nailed by them to a wooden cross as a dissident. Betrayed by Judas at his `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, Jesus offered bread and wine` as tokens of his `body and blood` as the host, which meant Judas was a traitor to the nurturing host womb of the human race and amongst the parasites of the `serpent`s seed` because he didn`t want `woman`s seed` as the future of the species. Although the `Ka` and `Ba` of the spirit and soul of Egyptian tradition is reflected in the meaning of the Ka` Ba of the Moslems in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the `Akh` or `magical personality` formed by the union of `Ka` and `Ba` in the afterlife is what is meant in Christianity by Santa`s sack, because men of the `serpent`s seed` are slavers of women`s host wombs and their products, which means Santa`s sack corresponds to what the Australian folklorists describe as a swagman`s, that is, it`s a bag of stolen goods:
`Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong,
Under the shade of a Coolibah tree,
And he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boil,
You'll come a waltzing Matilda with me.`1
A `billabong` is an oasis in the desert familiar to the Jews during the time of Jesus, and the Aussie doggerel from England`s period of penal transportation to New South Wales that began on 26 January, 1788, that is, the `unofficial national anthem` of the Australian colonists during their years of pogroming the indigenous black population of the Australian continent, refers to a thief stewing a pot while planning to steal a woman`s heart, because that`s what `swagmen` do. Thereafter he`ll be Santa`s sack for the white European children, whereas she`s `Akh`, the absent `magical personality`, that is, the woman with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own children with their own brains` powers for socio-economic independence from their parasites, but with swagmen of the `serpent`s seed` they and she`ll have to accept what Santa has in his sack for them, because their brainpower is enslaved and women`s host wombs too.
The Christmas tradition of Santa features the tree with the star atop and the single sock hung in an opportune place to receive gifts. The sock is a symbol of the `foot` that will `crush the serpent`, according to Christian tradition, while Eve`s `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen are the `foot`, which explains why there`s only a single sock awaiting gifts because the species of woman is a single race that doesn`t need the fiction of marital union, as Jesus says:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22.30)
Because `people` are categorized as `women`, which is why God`s `chosen people` are distinguishable as women who give birth, because to be a Jew it is necessary to be born of a woman. Similarly, in Islam there are four wives permissible within each Moslem marriage, which provides a vehicle for `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen to sexually reproduce with each other. Although the burkha conceals women in Moslem societies from prying male eyes, the one-piece coverall that permits nothing to be seen of women in public except their eyes for each other is, simply, a sack. In Egyptian terms, the women are `Ka` and `Ba`, that is, the spirit and soul of their `futanarian` nature`s sexual desirousness for their own human contact symbolized as `Akh`, that is, sack:
`And say to the faithful women to lower their gazes, and to guard their private parts, and not to display their beauty except what is apparent of it, and to extend their headcoverings (khimars) to cover their bosoms (jaybs), and not to display their beauty except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons, or their husband's sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their womenfolk, or what their right hands rule (slaves), or the followers from the men who do not feel sexual desire, or the small children to whom the nakedness of women is not apparent, and not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments. And turn in repentance to Allah together, O you the faithful, in order that you are successful.` (Sura 24: 31)
`Allah` is the word that translates as `God` in Christianity, because `Eloah` is the word for `God` in Judaism and so Islam is distinctive, but not separate. The exhortation to the women of Islam from Al Nur, `The Light`, is designed to hide the `futanarian` aspect of woman from the eyes of men and women who can`t or won`t understand, because they`re womb slavers in homosexual pederasty and warfare against the human species of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Santa`s sack is women`s `Akh` in Islamic terms, because the burkha`s `Akh` represents the promise of the future that what she produces is hers in socio-economic independence from men of the `serpent`s seed` who`ve been Santa`s `swagmen` to generations of children uneducated because of slavery for war against them. `Santa` is actually an anagram of `Satan` and Santa`s `elves`, helpers with the presents at Christmas, are Santa`s `selves`, because in host womb slavery of the `futanarian` woman`s race of humanity by the `serpent`s seed` of men, everyone is male brained and so all selves are Satan`s. Khidr from the Koran is the older person who explains to Moses that he`s Santa, that is, he knows the truth and he lives it, because everyone is Satan`s slave. Joshua or `Yeshua`, which is a form of `Jesus`, will bring the walls of Jericho tumbling down by Masonic means after surrounding the Canaanite city with trumpets, while Khidr explains Joshua`s future role to Moses when he rebuilds a wall because the treasure isn`t yet ready to be unconvered, that is, Joshua or `Yeshua` is `Jesus` who will be reborn from the Virgin Mary, his mother, uncontaminated. Although Jesus` Advent occurred in Bethlehem, which is celebrated each 25 December by the wise giving of gifts, the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem was where Jesus was crucified before his Resurrection and Ascension to the new Jerusalem, the heavenly city:
`… a city of pure gold, as pure as glass.` (Rev: 21. 19)
Jesus` new Jerusalem is the `treasure` hidden beneath the tumbled wall of Jericho, which Khidr symbolically shows to Moses in Al Kahf, `The Cave`, Sura 18 of the Koran of Islam. Although Moses will lead the Israelites obediently to the promised land of Canaan, Joshua will capture the city of Jericho by bringing the walls down with Masonic trumpeting, and Joshua or `Yeshua` will be reborn as Jesus` new Jerusalem in fulfillment of Khidr`s prophetic revelation to Moses and Joshua that the treasure underneath the wall will remain undiscovered until the appropriate time, that is, Joshua is the treasure of Jericho that will be uncovered as the `city of pure gold`, the new Jerusalem, after Joshua`s Resurrection and Ascension to heaven subsequent to his rebirth as Jesus and crucifixion upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem for being a `dissident` within the Roman Empire teaching that the law given to Moses by God is distillable as:
`Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 30-1)
Moses` law is obedience to God`s position that the taking of life by any means is evil, and Jesus` precept paves the way for `woman`s seed` to love herself, that is, what a woman sees in the mirror is sexually desirable and as lovable as any woman close by. In the Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) the theme is even more straightforward. Oedipus unknowingly marries his own mother and so incest is the theme, but only because he`s the man standing between Antigone, Jocasta`s daughter, and her realization that sexual reproduction between herself and women like her mother is possible, that is, the incest taboo isn`t designed to prevent the son from having sex with the mother but the daughter from remembering that she can have sex with women like her mother, because women are likeable to their mothers. As they ought to be, because they`re of the same species, whereas men are the parasites that have inveigled themselves into the human sexual reproduction system to eat the woman`s penis and, by the late 20th century, devise ways of eating her brains as well.
In the 1970s an advertising campaign on television for concentrated potato to which hot water had to be added before the consistency of the potato was sufficiently evident for it to be construed as edible featured `Smash robots`, because the concentrated potato resembled mashed potato when hot water was added and so the brand name for the product was `Smash`, but the hidden agenda was robots as labor saving machines were what women needed to liberate them from the drudgery of making mashed potato by hand, for example, which required peeling potatoes and then smashing them with a fork or other kitchen implement. However, if there were no brains to invent robots, women would remain slaves to hard labor, so `Smash robots` had a `Luddite` theme, where Ludditism was the name given to men who smashed machines during the 18th century industrial revolution to prevent labor saving on the pretext that they`d be unemployed and unsalaried, whereas the aim of machinery is to free the human from hard labor. Consequently, by the late 20th century the computer brain was the enemy of the `Luddites`, who were named originally for Ned Ludd who broke two stocking frames in the textile industry in England in 1779. The `Smash robots` were brain eaters, because men of the `serpent`s seed` who don`t want humans to sexually reproduce brainpower to labor save and facilitate creative work in robotics, for example, are brain eaters:
'They peel them with their metal knives…' [Sound of metallic shoulders shaking] '... boil them for twenty of their minutes...' [Metallic shoulder shaking gives way to audible machine laughter] '...then they smash them all to bits!'2
The Smash robots advertising campaign was for Cadbury`s foods, but there was a strange echo from The Eagles` rock band across the Atlantic ocean in the United States in a lyric from the song, `Hotel California`, `They stab it with their steely knives but they just can`t kill the beast.`3 Because Satan is a male brainer as the `serpent`s seed` of men who don`t want the human species of `woman`s seed` to have brainpower, the `red dragon` that waits in vain to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming` to the Earth born from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is a figure of men of the `serpent`s seed` as the slaves of Satan the brain eater. Consequently, the beast in The Eagles` song, `Hotel California`, can`t be killed, just as the Smash robots laugh at the efforts of the housewives that `peel them with their metal knives [… before] they smash them all to bits!` The housewives are hard labor victims in male braining, which they could kill by having sex with each other and developing an independent collective consciousness, but they don`t know about their own sexual reproductive system as `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen because, as this quote from The New York Times online about the repressive Taliban regime in Afghanistan shows, men don`t allow them to receive an education:
`Schools will not be allowed to teach girls older than 8 and will be limited to lessons about the Koran, the Muslim holy book.`4
The all male United States` rock band The Eagles` perception is that `the beast` can`t be killed because it`s them, that is, men make war on women who have their brains because they won`t let them have their own for fear women will see men`s redundancy and escape into socio-economic independence from their enslavers and extinguishers in parasitism. The symbol of the Taliban Al Qaeda terrorist group that hijacked planes to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, was the moon, and so the statue of Liberty in New York harbor had `the moon at her feet` in fulfillment of the biblical prophecy of the `woman clothed with the sun` who would again be `Liberty`, as a symbol of women`s eventual freedom after the surrender of Japan on 15 August, 1945, when planes emblazoned with the Japanese red sun had unannouncedly attacked the United States` Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, on 7 December, 1941.
Although the attack on the World Trade Centre looked like straightforward terrorism, `rough trade` is defined as the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty and warfare, which suggests 9/11 was designed to plunge the United States into conflict with Saddam Hussein`s Iraq which offered bases to Al Qaeda after the event. Hussein`s execution on 30 December, 2006, and Osama Ben Laden`s, Saudi Arabian leader of Al Qaeda, on 2 May, 2011, by Navy Seal Team Six was biblical, because the Moslem women of Islam represent the hidden woman of the wilderness taken on eagle`s wings after she bears Jesus who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` uncontaminated by male semen on behalf of `woman`s seed`, whose hymen the US Navy Seals, backed by the authority of the Great Seal of the United States` President, George W. Bush, with its emblematic eagle, were charged with protecting during the Gulf conflict that began with the March, 2003, United States` invasion of Iraq:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
The `seed` of the serpent is men`s desire to break the hymen of the Moslem women and impregnate them as was clear from the rape camps set up by Christian militia during the Bosnian war (1990-5) in the former Yugoslavia of Eastern Europe where upwards of 70,000 women`s hymens and host wombs were violated by the urges of the parasite to ensure its continuance. Consequently, the women of Islam represent the hidden `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen for the continuation of the human race of `woman`s seed` and so correspond to `the woman` who gives birth to Jesus uncontaminated by male semen before his `Second Coming` in the Bible protected by the eagle of the United States and other nations for whom the eagle is symbolic. The symbol of the United States Navy Seal Team Six that killed Osama Ben Laden, the Saudi Arabian terrorist leader of Al Qaeda, is the eagle, which is common amongst the special forces of the military throughout the globe because it has the same meaning, that is, the human species of Woman`s defence.
The Koran of the Moslem faith in Islam distinguishes between `men and djinn`, because there`s a distinction between women, with their own penis` semen and host wombs, born after Eve and Adam, that is, man and woman, were expelled by God from Eden, and the `serpent`s seed` of men, who killed and culled `futanarian` women in order to enslave the host wombs of the human species in parasitism. In the Koran Satan is Iblis, a djinn, who refuses to bow before Adam, according to `Al Kahf`, `The Cave` (18. 47), because he`s the `serpent`s seed` that men embrace after Eden in killing and culling the human race`s `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for socio-economic independence and freedom from men`s enslaving of her race. Consequently, Iblis or Satan is a male `futanarian` or djinn, whereas the `futanarian` women are the human `woman`s seed` identified as `djinn`, because they`re what separates men from women:
`… he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)
God`s warning to Eve is that the male `futanarian` with its host womb for sexual reproduction is how men keep women in host womb slavery, as men don`t have host wombs, according to the education system, which is Satanic, because it doesn`t educate women in the knowledge of her own penis` `seed` as an alternative to accepting a male parasite. Consequently, the male crushes the head of the woman because she doesn`t know to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers, while her head is powerless to do anything other than bruise the oppressor`s heel as it applies enough pressure to subdue her humanity.
Although Khidr is depicted in Islamic art standing upon a fish, the fish is symbolically Joshua ben Nun, that is, the `son of the fish`, or Jesus, the `son of man`, whose symbol is the fish and who was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, because he`s `woman`s seed` or `djinn`, that is, Khidr is supported by the host womb of women enslaved by men of the `serpent`s seed`. Joshua ben Nun, the `son of the fish`, captured Jericho for the Israelites and killed every living thing inside, apart from the whore, Rahab, and her house, who`d helped him, which means he wasn`t a special forces` eagle of modernity, as he didn`t protect all of the women. Consequently, Joshua`s rebirth as `Yeshua`, that is, Jesus, was necessary for his Redemption, which is why Jesus was called `the fish`, and Joshua was the `son of the fish`, because the `serpent`s seed` is supported by virginity, although Jesus` uncontaminated birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, is `woman`s seed` supported by wisdom . Paradoxically so, if the usual belief is that virgins are innocent and so vulnerable to possession by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s enslaving and male braining in non-education.
Khidr is called `the green one` in Islam which accords with the Christian tradition of Santa and the evergreen Christmas tree with the star upon it symbolizing the birth of Jesus. In the Koran, `An Najm`, that is, `The Star`, a rhetorical question is posed, `Is the male for you and for him the female? That, then, is an unjust division. (53: 21-2) Because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen are for women, which is the meaning of Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen. In Judaism the Sefiroth is the tree of life pictured in mystical `kabbalah` as having its roots in heaven and its leaves upon Earth, because the mind is spiritual and the body is earthly, just as Khidr of the Koran is `the green one` upon a fish that sustains. In Christian terms, Khidr corresponds to the evergreen Christmas tree with Jesus` birth star atop as a symbol of women`s freedom in production for the human species, because Jesus is `woman`s seed` and so corresponds to `the fish` that supports her, rather than the parasitical slaver of her host womb standing upon her head for what it can get her to produce, which is what Khidr would represent if Christianity didn`t depict `the green one` as a Christmas tree.
The presents beneath the tree are symbolic of the enslaving of the host womb of women as the sacks that produce. Consequently, although the symbolism attending Joshua`s bringing the walls of Jericho down by means of occult trumpeting appears an unbelievable ancient metaphor unbelievable, the notion of the women of Islam as saxophones bringing down the walls of the city of their enslaver, the sacks` `bag daddy` in Baghdad, Saddam Hussein, through modernity`s phone system, seems unbelievable, but the Bible warns `the number of a man is the number of the beast`, (Rev: 13. 18) that is, the `phone is the killers` weapon. During the West`s 2011 war with Moslem Libya to depose terrorist dictator, Colonel Gaddafi, TACPs, that is, Tactical Air Control Parties, were deployed on the ground to direct ordinance, which is what lesser killers do with mobile `phones. Consequently, the women of Islam, who were the sacks of Baghdad that either `sandbagged` the United States and coalition forces as an invader with the `suicide bombs` strapped to their bodies, or brought the walls of Baghdad down as the `sacks of phones`, corresponded in modernity`s terms to the whore, Rahab, and her house in Jericho, which was protected by Joshua, because she helped while he was preparing his own unbelievable occult method of breaching the walls of Jericho with trumpets, that is, the saxophones of the ancient world.
What`s in Santa`s sack is for children, because that`s what women produce, which is why she`s described as the womb of civilization, culture and art, despite men`s depredations in their wars against her. Santa`s sack was Tactical Air Control Party in Baghdad, that is, the sack of Baghdad`s contents at Christmas. Santa`s 25 December, 2006, Christmas party celebrated the birth of the `Second Adam` uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus, while Iraq`s Saddam - of the region`s `Ba`ath Party` politically - was hung on 30 December, 2006, after the Christians` party. Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus is symbolized as the `lamb` in Christianity, because he represents `woman`s seed` freed of womb enslavement to men of the `serpent`s seed` in warfare, which produces the sack of cities rather than peace. Consequently, Hussein was executed by the TACPs and their `sacks of phones` to prevent a great `blood` Ba` ath, where `blood` is an aristocratic term for royalty, which Saddam was as an undisputed ruler, but the `blood of the lamb` of peace had been spilt enough from the Christian and Moslem point of view, who`d stood by while Hussein had pogromed the Iranian Kurds in the North of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88). The emergence of ISIS, that is, the `Islamic State of Iraq in Syria` as a new Moslem caliphate on 29 June, 2014, amidst reports of `blood baths`, suggests it would`ve been better to support the Ba`ath Party`s proclaimed belief in freedom and unity, because less of the `blood of the lamb` would have been spilt.
Women with a penis and a beard won`t be turned into a sideshow, that is, Khidr is the bearded `green one` in the Koran of Islam, because Khidr represents the evergreen tree of the Christian Christmas with sacks of presents uncontaminated by the sack of cities and slavery for its host wombs of women, symbolized by the birth of Jesus from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the city of `Jerusalem the golden` that remains unsacked, because she represents the women who`ll be free to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers with their own penis` semen and host wombs, which is the wisdom of her beard. Consequently, Khidr doesn`t exist for women although he`s real, because Jesus is the star of the birth of `woman`s seed` atop the tree of her liberation from the sack of her cities and enslavement, while the products of her civilizations, cultures and arts are for the children of her future free from contamination by the `serpent`s seed` of vainglorious men who want to stand taller on the shoulders of the uneducated child that is humanity.
In the mythological tradition of ancient Egypt, `Khat` is `the fish`, which is the appellation for the infant body containing the `Ka` or spirit and soul or `Ba`, before it becomes an `Akh` or `magical personality after death and that Ascension to heaven upon his Resurrection that Jesus, uncontaminated by male semen as `woman`s seed`, is so famous for. Because Jesus is `the fish` in Christian tradition, that`s because `the fish` is the `Khat`, that is, the Egyptian infant`s body containing the `Ka` or spirit and `Ba` soul before death and the subsequent conjoining of `Ka` and `Ba`, which is spirit and soul, as the `Akh` or `magical personality` in Ascension to Heaven after Resurrection.
In Arabian mythology Bahamut is `the fish` that supports the Earth, and which Khidr appears to be standing upon in Islamic art. Leviathan appears in the Bible where God asks, `Can you pull in leviathan with a fishhook?` (Job: 41. 1) But Bahamut, or Behemoth, is depicted as a creature of the land, `He ranks first amongst God`s works.` (Job: 40. 19) The third great creature of the Earth is Ziz, which is winged, and although Leviathan and Behemoth are doomed to be eaten, according to Jewish legend,5 Jesus finds correspondence with Ziz as `the fish` that flies, because he has Ascension to heaven after his emergence from his mother`s birth waters. Symbolically, Leviathan, Behemoth and Ziz are `woman`s seed`, because Jesus represents the male that has transcended male braining, while the Leviathan, Behemoth and Ziz represent the male military`s sea, land and air power, which kills itself and so is the devourer of `woman`s seed`; lest she has Ascension as Jesus`.
Khidr stands upon the fish in Islamic art, because men enslave `woman`s seed` through male braining of her host womb, that is, although Jesus is called `the fish`, she`s his mother, the Virgin Mary, which is why the bloody Joshua of the massacre of Jericho is `the son of the fish`, reborn as Jesus uncontaminate, and from Khidr`s point of view, standing upon her body, where else is Father Christmas to be if children are going to have presents? Unless women`s liberation is complete, and includes sexual freedom to reproduce with herself through her own women`s penis` semen, it`ll be Satanism on Earth until God`s punishment of eternal unendurable pain for the evil alien enslaving parasites preying on her humanity.
1 Paterson, Banjo `Waltzing Mathilda`, 1895.
2 Vickers, Sian and Chris Wilkins for Boase Massimi Pollitt Advertising Agency, 1969.
3 Felder, Don, Glenn Frey, Don Henley The Eagles, Hotel California, Asylum, 1977.
4 The New York Times, `100 Girls' Schools In Afghan Capital Are Ordered Shut`, , June 17, 1998.
5 Akdamut, 75-84, 1557.
In J.R.R. Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings (1954) novel of the `war of the ring` to end the power of the Dark Lord, Sauron, who threatened the world of men in the fantasy writer`s creation of an Earth in which elves and spiders aroused enough of our interest to spawn three Hollywood `blockbuster` movies in the 21st century, The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002), and The Return Of The King (2003), Moria was a silver mine where the dwarves had lived and worked for many generations before some `nameless terror` had moved in and caused the miners to leave or perish. Passing through disused Moria to take Sauron`s ring to Mt Doom as quickly as possible and hurl it into the volcano, so that its power would be destroyed, Frodo, the hobbit, who is Elijah Wood in the movies as hero of the `halflings`, that is, half-size men who`re the only people uniquely created by Tolkien, deciphers the inscription written in elvish upon the lintel:
`Speak friend and enter.`1
Perplexity gives way to relief when the elvish word for `friend` is remembered and `mellon` is spoken to open the door magically. Tolkien`s orcs are made of elves and whatever else attracts Sauron`s disease, that is, the desire to be servants of the land of Mordor where the Dark Lord dwells. The orcs emerge from the `black pits` of Sauron`s manufactory as caricatures of once helpful folkloristic Arabian creatures, because it`s about men`s desire that genius, that is, genie or djinn be enslaved. According to the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of the Moslem`s, dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels, God created men, women, and djinn. Tolkien`s novel continues the war between men and whatever is magically opposed to being controlled by their distrust, which is identifiable in Arabia as `djinn`. In the Koran Iblis is the djinn who refused to bow before Adam and so corresponds to the Christian Satan who was cast out of heaven and transformed into a serpent for refusing to accept God`s new creation of Adam and Eve. Giving Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it is death to taste, the serpent says:
`You will be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)
She gives some to Adam and the pair are expelled from the paradise of heaven on Earth, that is, Eden. Adam is told he must labor and Eve is told she will have labor pains before Redemption, while Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represents Resurrection for `woman`s seed`, because God tells Eve in Eden she will have `perpetual enmity` for the `serpent`s seed` but will `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because women`s own penis` semen is `futanarian`, that`s her `foot`, which Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represents. At the `Last Supper` before his being nailed to a wooden cross and tortured to death for dissidency against the Roman occupation of Palestine, Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` as his `body and blood` prefigures the Resurrection of women`s penis` `seed` for their own host wombs, which is why Jesus has Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after death:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
In the Koran Iblis was the djinn corresponding to Satan in paradise who`d been an angel, although Iblis refused to bow to Adam while Satan rejected humanity completely. Consequently, although God`s new heaven is for the human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, Iblis` refusal to bow before Adam doesn`t mean he rejected Eve`s `seed`, whereas in Christianity Satan did. Iblis` refusal of Adam is a refusal of homosexuality, but not of Redemption through the `seed` of Eve`s `futanarian` future woman with her own penis` semen and host womb. Judas Iscariot`s betrayal of Jesus as the host at the `Last Supper` for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman Empire`s authorities in Palestine is his betrayal of the host womb of the human species, which corresponds to the bottle of the djinn Iblis who rejected Adam`s `seed` because accepting Adam represented homosexuality to Iblis. Jesus is the genius released from the bottle because he was born after Iblis` rejection of men`s `seed` and from a host womb uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men who`d accepted the killing and culling of the `futanarian` race of woman in order to womb slave her in pederasty and conquest. Sauron`s manufactory in Mordor is a djinn bottler`s, who doesn`t want the genius of humanity to be free:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved in homosexuality in pederasty to spread the contagion of war further. At the siege of Troy the Greeks employed the paradigm of men`s virality in the construction of a huge hollow wooden horse to conceal themselves inside while the Trojans took the horse inside the city as a friendship gift where the Greeks emerged to capture the city and the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of war onwards. In the 20th century the `geeks` software computer programers were the successors of the Greeks devising `bad machine code` to infect the brains of computers and kill them, which is the homosexual paradigm of the late 20th century`s incurable killer disease, HIV/AIDS, where the virus feigns friendship for the white leukocyte defensive cells of the body`s immune system before killing the brain. If the brain is perceived as that of the woman who isn`t to know about her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own race`s brains` powers, men`s history is of killing her brain so her host womb can be enslaved to produce the abominations of pederasty and war.
The term `geeks` derives from circus sideshow freaks who ate the heads of chickens, while the serpent of Eden is depicted in the Bible as having grown to full size as a dragon waiting in vain to devour Jesus as he`s born to `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, presumably to rid the Earth of the abomination of homosexuality in pederasty`s wars arisen through men`s killing and culling women`s own `futanarian` race with their own penis` semen and host wombs. As a `geek` Satan is an improved `Greek` homosexual, whereas `circus` is a term derived from ancient Rome in which people were killed in arenas for entertainment, while in the 20th century it was used to mean `spies` who blind those wanting to see. Consequently, spies are the circus that blinds those who would want to stop Satan from devouring the woman`s brains and so computer `geeks` endeavor to destroy the information system that would give her knowledge of her own species because they`re the successors of the Greeks.
Tolkien`s second part to The Lord Of The Rings was `The Two Towers`, and the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre were attacked by Saudi Arabia`s Osama Ben Laden`s Afghan terrorist group, Al Qaeda, on 11 September, 2001, when planes were hijacked and crashed into them, because the aim was to reestablish the `rough trade` of `brutality and violence`, that is, men who pay for men and boys, which is why war is associated with homosexuality and pederasty. Although Iblis corresponds to Satan in the Moslem Koran of the predominantly Arabian peoples, Iblis` refusal to bow before Adam can be viewed as being because he was male, while Satan`s rejection of Adam and Eve can be viewed as ignorance, that is, he wasn`t cognizant of the race of `woman`s seed` that would follow after Adam and Eve, whereas `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb might have been acceptable to Satan, but it was too late for regrets and misogyny, that is, the `serpent`s seed`, had begun when Eve and her daughters were born after Eden. Because Iblis was male his refusal to bow can be interpreted as a rejection of homosexuality, which ultimately is God`s plan if `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is to replace men:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
The late 20th century saw the beginning of the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sin of homosexuality in pederasty and war which saw them rejecting women as her parasite that had sometime in the past inveigled itself into her host womb to steal her penis` semen. Mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, men spread the HIV/AIDS virus that killed the brain, which was the second stage of their virality after killing and culling the penis` `seed` and host wombs of women as the human species. Without penis` semen to sexually reproduce their own brains from their own host wombs, women would correspond to those orcs bred in the pits of Sauron in Mordor from whatever was caught by him. When the planes crashed into the Twin Towers of New York `live on CNN` and other television news networks it was TV as transvestism, that is, men and women had been male brained by the `serpent`s seed` until they were one creature wearing each others` clothes killing each other for the entertainment of homosexuals in the circus. In Tolkien`s novel `The Two Towers` are Sauron`s because they guard Mordor where the orcs represent transvestism, which explains why the Twin Towers were chosen as the setting for an attack on God`s `seed` at the `Big Apple` of New York.
Although Iblis and Satan are male, djinn and angels aren`t all male, while the Moslem name for God, `Allah`, means that which is neither male nor female, so djinn and angels that are female are redeemed, because they represent `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs and the brains she produces. Consequently, the djinn and the `seed` of Eve are the same, which is why there`s a distinction between djinn, men, and women in the Koran, and between Eve`s `seed` and the serpent`s in the Bible. When Satan is grown to the size of a dragon to devour Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen, he`s the antithesis of Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who can reproduce without the `serpent`s seed`, so he represents the male brained devourer of women`s race as what remains of the unredeemed and unresurrectable human species. God`s punishment is perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain for the evil, while the good receive heaven born from the wombs of women with their own penis` semen.
In Christianity the Communion service in which a wafer and a sip of wine are given from the chalice of the priest to the parishioner is symbolic of Jesus as the host at the `Last Supper` because he represents the offer of the human species` `seed` rather than the serpent`s. Judas` rejection of the host is symbolic of the parasite`s rejection of the friendship of the woman who`s prepared to live in symbiosis with the creature so long as it doesn`t attempt to kill her human species, which is why the Communion service is called transubstantiation, that is, the transformation of the body of the appellant into that of Jesus` uncontaminated by male semen.
When Tolkien`s Frodo arrives at the halls of the dwarves of Moria and says `Mellon` to gain entrance to the mine and pass onward to Mt Doom where he hurls the ring of Sauron`s power into the mouth of the volcano to ensure the Dark Lord`s demise, he`s beginning an Arabian adventure of the sort described in the 8th century anthology of tales, One Thousand And One Nights, in which the frame story is of Shah Jehan who accuses his wife of unfaithfulness with his brother and beheads her. The woman Scheherezade tells the ruler stories to prevent his continuing his practice of marrying another woman each day and beheading her that night, and he marries her. The narrative describes what men do, because they don`t want women to have brains. Consequently, `mellon` or `friend` signifies the flesh and fruit of the melon, because it`s a metaphor for Jesus` `bread and wine`, as symbolic of the `body and blood` of women as the host of the human race.
In One Thousand And One Nights djinn appear in several stories, most notably in `Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp`, where the genie is a metaphor for genius and the invention of the electric light bulb, because the slave of the lamp`s desire to bring illumination is represented as liberating for its discoverer, and in `The Fisherman and the Genie`, where the genie is represented as imprisoned within a bottle and the fisherman can`t wait to get the genie under control again inside the bottle he`s released it from. The metaphor is of uncontrollable genius and `letting the cat out of the bag` as Western idiom has it, that is, once nuclear power is released it`s very difficult to control knowledge of the United States` bombs, `Little Boy` and `Fat Man` that destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan on 6 and 9 August to defeat the Japanese Empire in the second world war (1939-45), which is what the repression of women`s penis` semen and brains from her own host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own genius represents.
In his `Second Coming` to the Earth Jesus is born from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because the US defeated the red suns of the flags of Japan after their unannounced attack on the Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, while the yellow moon of the flags of Al Qaeda`s terrorism were furled after the death of Osama Ben Laden at the hands of US Navy Seal Team Six on 2 May, 2011, in the shade of Pakistan`s Military Academy where he was hiding after the unannounced terrorist attack of the planes hijacked by his terrorist group, Al Qaeda, and crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 11 September, 2001. Because the biblical `pearl of great price` is the moon above as the first step towards heaven above the Earth, the US` defence of Pearl harbor was mankind`s defence of their first step onto the surface of Earth`s satellite on 21 July, 1969, when Apollo astronaut, Neil Armstrong, announced to the expectant globe watching on television:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2
In New York harbor the `pearl of great price` was reflected in the waters where the statue of Liberty bearing `freedom`s torch` represented the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in her birth waters after her defeats of the red suns of the flags of Japan and the yellow moons of the flags of Al Qaeda. Just as the genie put back in the bottle in the Arabian story of `The Fisherman and the Genie` represents the desire for illumination quenched, so the light of freedom`s torch in the hand of `Liberty` represents the light of woman`s `futanarian` species` `seed` with her own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for unquenched illumination.
In Christianity Jesus is `the fish`, while in the Koran the appearance of the wise old man Khidr who guides Moses and Joshua after they reach the Red Sea is attended by Joshua`s losing of the fish kept for their supper. The fish swims away in the sea and Khidr appears, which suggests he and Jesus` association with fish symbolism is important. Jesus is a `fisher of men` and the meaning is illustrated in the Arabian tale, `The Fisherman and the Genie`, because Jesus` genius can`t be put back in the bottle, just as Joshua`s fish is lost in the Red Sea before the appearance of the wise old man, Khidr, who tells Moses and Joshua they must bear in patience or he`ll leave. Rebuilding a wall to conceal treasure, killing a child and making holes in boats, Moses can`t bear with patiently, and Khidr leaves with the explanation that the discovery of the treasure had to wait, the child was evil, and there were slavers behind their boat who would catch them. Moses went on to receive the law of God, because he wasn`t wise, and neither were his people, who needed instruction not the seeming lawlessness of the wise as a teaching, while Jesus` teaching was to come and he`d catch men as fish were caught because he needed them to teach others the truth, which was the uncontaminated `seed` of women for the production of her own brains` genius to save the Earth from being devoured by men`s atomic weapons of devourment.
Arabia`s genius is to perceive that water is life and the desire to live isn`t slavery although individuals are slaves to the desire for water to live, that is, it`d be a fool who refused to drink water, because it made of him a slave to it. Equally, to deny another person water to drink is evil in the sands of the desert, because it`s life, which is what Arabians know and men of the Western democracies don`t; as it rains frequently. What Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings points out is men of the West don`t want water, they want adventure, because water is plentiful where they live. Tolkien`s Communion service is the flesh and the water of melon, because it`s symbolic of the water of Arabia, while Jesus` `bread and wine` as host at the `Last Supper` is symbolic of the `body and blood` of the host womb of the human species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers.
In the West a woman`s breasts that provide sustenance for her infants are called `melons` in slang, while a pregnant woman`s swollen belly is described as `ripe as a melon`, although `bun in the oven` is idiomatically more graphic of men`s mocking of women`s role as the host womb of the human species doomed to die in the ovens of the German Nazi concentration camps during the second world war, for example, but the misogynist terminology emphasizes men`s role as her devouring parasite, which consumes itself and her upon emerging from her womb to teach her cannibalism. Consequently, men`s adventures are necrophageous because the women is already dead from neglect.
The white leukocyte cells of the human body`s defense system are necrophageous, because they eat the dead cells as well as defend against viral forms. Consequently, the HIV/AIDS` virus corresponds to the homosexual paradigm of fake friendship for the human race, because it pretends to be a leukocyte necrophage before eating the brain and killing the individual, that is, it`s a parasite that tricks the human with homosexuality in pederasty to teach the species that war is a necrophagy that cures the body while the tricked race devours itself cannibalistically. Anthropologists have conjectured for many years that there`s a sociological basis for mental disease, and homosexuality`s producing HIV/AIDS is proof that there`s a sociological basis for physical disease, while schizophrenia is defined by clinical psychology as a `split mind` and that`s an accurate description of the human race divided against itself because women`s own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains is repressed into unconsciousness.
The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), argued that the unconscious or `id` contained all of those repressed elements of the psyche that the human species didn`t want to remember, because it was unbearable knowledge. Women looking in the mirror without a penis of their own would remain unconsciously unaware of the existence of their own penis` `seed` if they weren`t told. Schizophrenically, they`re turned towards men and away from their own race as a source of fertilizer for their ovum, while `politically correct` feminism reinforces the schizophrenic perception that lesbians are homosexuals to maintain their ideology that men and women are equal, whereas men and boys have proven themselves more interested in such homosexual activities as war and so are more likely women`s parasitical devourers teaching her cannibalism. Consequently, schizophrenia has a sociological basis in homosexuality`s parasitism, which suggests disease has the same socio-pathology, because men want women to die as ephemeral creatures so they can`t remember.
In Egyptian mythology Isis, the goddess, remembers Osiris after the god is torn apart, that is, dismembered, by the evil god Set in what is a description of schizophrenia induced by homosexuality in parasitism. Isis puts the parts of Osiris back together, but can`t find Osiris` penis and so makes another. Osiris is born as the `sky god` Horus because Isis isn`t a cannibal, that is, she`s immune to the evil god Set`s teaching her to cannibalistically devour her own species of `woman`s seed`. In Christianity the figure of the Virgin Mary gives birth to Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, that is, she`s given him a new penis, because she`s remembering her own. The myth of the woman with her own penis is medicinal, that is, if she has her own penis` semen she`ll have her own brains` powers for developing the medical science to provide her with longevity and the memory to preserve herself from a brain parasite that kills her.
In Hollywood Babylon the Hays code (1930-67) established the `one foot on the floor rule` in mockery of women`s `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb`s fruitless efforts to get her brains functioning if she wasn`t visibly available for sexual reproduction to her own species` penis` semen in censored bedroom scenes filmed for the movies where spuriously Judaeo-Christian morality dictated that `woman`s seed` should be shunned from the cinema screen. By the early 21st century, Peter Jackson had directed Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings in which the men of the West triumphed without even a hint of the woman`s penis ever existing, and the entire absence of the penis from mainstream cinema indicated just how far reaching men`s victory was.
According to the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) libido was the basis for the transformation of instinct into intellect, that is, spiritual growth, which began when the man`s soul or anima received projection onto the woman as the ideal desired image from within urging sexual reproduction. Jung`s psychology posited the existence of a male spirit in women, the animus, which corresponded to men`s soul or anima, because his psychological investigations of dream material revealed women surrounded by what he interpreted as a huge throng of male admirers. Consequently, men had souls whereas women didn`t, but Jung`s human psychology didn`t take into consideration women`s penis` semen being stolen by the parasite that had inveigled itself into her host womb to emerge and kill her. The animus was the spirit of a creature collectively hunting her and the creature was using her own soul or anima to sexually reproduce itself.
In Tolkien the elves are forced to leave `Middle Earth`, where the drama transpires, because they`re djinn in Arabian terms, that is, women who sexually reproduce with each other and so men don`t want them. When Frodo meets Galadriel, the `Lady of the Golden Wood`, she gives him a phial containing light, which is a metaphor for the genius of the race of djinn guiding him, as Aladdin was helped by the genie of the lamp. Frodo`s a `halfling` and not complete without `woman`s seed`, which is illustrated at the novel`s culmination when the `seed` of the elves of Lothlorien are spread about the village of Hobbiton to restore the place after the depredations of Sauron there. The elves leave Tolkien`s fantasy Earth, because they represent `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed`, and men of the West don`t want Resurrection for her, although they`re taught to espouse Christianity, which is the religion of humans uncontaminated by male semen. Consequently, Tolkien`s `ring war` is a metaphor for Islam in which four wives are permissible in marriage because they afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs so that she has her own brains` powers for liberation. To get to Mt Doom and break the power of Sauron by throwing his ring of womb slavery into the mouth of the volcano, Frodo has to travel through the lair of Shelob, the giant spider, who he wounds until she retires. Shelob is female and so represents the repressed sexual instinct of her species loathed beneath the weight of centuries of oppression in the unconscious or `id` of the human race because they fear she might awake and exact revenge for her despised race:
`One Ring to rule them all, one ring to find them; one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.`3
The suggestion is that `futanarian` women are spiders, because their capacity to sexually reproduce with each other gives them more arms and legs than men and so their intelligence web is potentially unlimited, whereas men`s is limited by women`s unwillingness to sexually reproduce with men and women`s freedom to refuse to. Consequently, women are ruled in ring enslavement by men who constitute her `Dark Lord` refusing the light of Galadriel of the elves who represents the djinn of Arabia as the `futanarian` women with their own `seed` for the Salvation of the Earth and women`s own Resurrection through her own penis` semen and brains. Because four wives are permitted in Islam, Moslem marriages have eight legs, which means Arabians are spider breeders from men`s perspective, that is, Tolkien`s Shelob is an Arabian woman who Frodo defeats because it`s archetypal. He must destroy the power of the `Dark Lord` by throwing the ring into the `crack of doom`, although he wrestles throughout the novel with the idea of replacing Sauron, because womb slavery is the power Adam and Eve agreed to when they accepted Satan`s offer of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in paradise before they were expelled for seeking death rather than immortality and heaven by accepting God`s offer of the `tree of life` which is immortality through women`s brains in medical science:
`You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)
According to Jung the unconscious contains archetypes in dreams, art and imagination that impel the individual to grow, so Frodo is impelled to fight Shelob, although she`s the human species of the future buried in the `id` of repressed unconsciousness, because she`s the `seed` of woman neglected. Frodo is an archetypal Christian hero, whereas Shelob is the eight-legged Moslem marriage containing four wives. Consequently, Frodo is a false hero from women`s perspective, although she`s conditioned to see him as heroic in dreams, art and imagination, whereas Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen actually makes of him woman`s hero because he represents her `seed`. In Jungian psychology, Jesus is the archetype of the totality of the unconscious `Self` actualized after much internal work, while Jesus` birth itself is sufficient to explain the meaning of his teaching, that is, `love your neighbor`, because all women are women`s neighbours and she loves herself and can sexually reproduce with herself uncontaminated by male semen if men can be persuaded within a framework like the Moslem marriage to allow her a vehicle of Redemption from the sin of male braining in womb enslavement for both her and man.
In Christianity Jesus has Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after being tortured to death as a `dissident` by the Roman occupation of Palestine, because he represents the woman`s penis uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, the human host Jesus` disciple Judas Iscariot betrays at the `Last Supper` when he refuses Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` as the representative of the human host there and sells Jesus to the Roman occupation for `thirty pieces of silver` as a threat to the Roman Empire built on womb slavery and male braining for war in homosexual pederasty`s contagion. In `Islam`, which means `accept`, Jesus` Ascension follows the example of the Virgin Mary, who ascended bodily to heaven without death, according to the doctrine of the Assumption that became Catholic dogma in 1950 by papal decree of Pope Pius XII. Because Islam accepts the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, it doesn`t need Jesus` death to illustrate the meaning of his teaching, which is birth uncontaminated by male semen, Consequently, Jesus is depicted as having Ascension to heaven in Islam without death to avoid Christianity`s emphasis upon heroes, which is illustrated in Frodo`s dispatching of Shelob without reflecting upon the meaning of her female nature.
Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, which is biblical, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel`, that is, he was the serpent grown in size to a dragon for the `small screen` upon which he appeared after Al Qaeda`s terrorists crashed hijacked planes `live on CNN` and other TV networks into the Twin Towers. Saddam Hussein declared his support for Al Qaeda and offered bases in Iraq to Osama Ben Laden which resulted in the `TV war` of the Gulf from March 2003 when the United States` invasion began to depose him and he was executed on 30 December, 2006, after the fall of Baghdad. The ancient seat of Iraq was Babylon and so Saddam Hussein, `small handsome man` and `crusher`, had been prepared by Hollywood Babylon for the `small screen` as the dragon who`d crush the head of woman after the Hays code (1930-67) had denied her presence on the `big screen` of the movies to erase all memory of her own capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains for her own liberation through her own penis` semen and host wombs. Saddam Hussein`s army had formerly been removed from Kuwait city in the first Gulf war (1990-1) by the authority of the Great Seal of the authority of the President of the United States, George Bush, which bears an eagle:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
The woman has given birth to Jesus who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` and the eagle is the emblem of the Great Seal of the United States, but also of the US Navy seals, and especially Team Six who, on 2 May, 2011, killed Osama Ben Laden, the Al Qaeda terrorist leader, to protect the hymens of the human race of `futanarian` women for their own penis` semen and host wombs in Arabia and amongst the Moslem peoples of Islam who, in the late 20th century, had to endure the evil phenomenon of the `rape camp` in the Bosnian war (1992-5) during which 20-50,000 Moslem women were raped to prevent humans being born from women`s own penis` semen and host wombs where `ethnic cleansing` by Christians was taking place as the former Yugoslavia broke up into smaller nations following the collapse of the central government in Belgrade under pressure from ethnic groups to allow decentralization and independence.
The ethnic group targeted was women, which seems bizarre unless it`s remembered that the Jews are the `chosen people` of the Bible. A Jew can`t be born a Jew unless born from a woman, which means Jews are women, so the Nazi pogroms of the second world war were to kill her as an ethnic group capable of sexually reproducing, which is what the revolutionary wars of the early 21st century known as the `Arab Spring` were about. On 14 January, 2011, Ben Ali in Tunisia was overthrown, followed by Mubarak in Egypt on 10 February, and Gadaffi in Libya in late August, who`d been the advocate of Arab supremacy in Africa. In Sudan there`d been civil war in the province of Dharfur as the ruling Arabian Moslems fought the West African Moslems as another determiner in the undeclared struggle over whether `woman`s seed` or the serpent`s would prevail over the Earth.
Melons originated in Africa so it`s unsurprising that Tolkien should use `Mellon` to denote `friend` in elvish, where elf means `djinn` to African Arabian Moslems. False friendship is the essence of homosexuality in pederasty`s wars, while the spread of HIV/AIDS as a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to womb slavery in monogamy isn`t how melons are grown in friendship. Tolkien`s prescient perception is that the `Dark Lord` in Mordor and the terror in Moria of the balrog who lives amongst the orcs that worship it is Arabian Moslem African, that is, the elvish `mellon` is Tolkien`s equivalent of a `djinn` word for `friend`, because the dwarves didn`t want to be invaded by false friends. The Arabian Moslems brought their four wives` breeding program to Africans as friends, because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs are a prophylactic against war through homosexuality in pederasty`s plague aims, which meant they were true friends to the Africans who`d be combating the HIV/AIDS virus as an incurable killer disease spread by homosexuals mxing blood, shit and semen in each others anuses in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction unless they received guidance from Islam.
Actor Ian McKellen had the role of the mage, Gandalf the wise, who was among the fellowship of the ring that passed through Moria assisting Frodo on his path to Mt Doom and his task of throwing the Dark Lord`s ring into the crack of doom to destroy Sauron`s power. McKellen was a homosexual in reality and was thrown off the bridge in Moria into the abyss by the balrog, because `the nameless terror` was symbolically African HIV/AIDS and the specter of species` death, which Moslem Arabian Africans know how to fight, while Africans represented by the balrog don`t:
`His enemy halted again, facing him, and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings.`4
Gandalf is caught by the whip of the balrog and trips off the bridge into the abyss in what is a slavery metaphor, because West Africans were slaves in the Southern United States of America before manumission after the American Civil War (1861-5) ended men`s slavery to the whip, but not women`s slavery to men as her womb slavers. The analogy is McKellen`s slavery to homosexuality in pederasty, which is what womb slavery to the rings of monogamy in the Western democracies of Christianity represent without Jesus` Redemption that requires acceptance of women as the human host. Tolkien`s `Mellon` is Arabic friendship for African Moslems, because the flesh and the juice of melon is `bread and wine`, symbolic of Jesus` `body and blood` to Africans, while to Afro-Americans it represents the false friendship of the white men for the `darkies` working their melon patches and the African women`s wombs in slavery. Consequently, Moslem Arabian Africans are friends, which is why McKellen is the actor chosen to be tripped off the bridge with a whip by the balrog representing Arabian Moslem Africa, because `futanarian` Arabian women beneath their one-piece coverall of the burkha in public have their own uncontaminated penis` semen and host womb, whereas McKellen represents white men`s homosexuality, which is slavery and death:
`Naked I was sent back - for a brief time, until my task is done.`5
Gandalf returns to the fellowship transfigured some twenty days after his fall in Moria in what is a symbolic transformation of the actor, Ian McKellen, by moviedom. Ian represents the traditional Hollywood Babylon leading man who`s transcendent homosexuality is defined by the absence of his penis from the scene of his crime of depriving women of theirs. Consequently, he`s a transfigured saint in the movie of Tolkien`s The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001) because he`s homosexual and so represents Hollywood Babylon`s heroic figure working for more war in pederasty to be filmed and shown to educate another generation of `TV war` heroes in death and a future in hell.
Aragorn, `Strider`, leads the men of the West to victory over Sauron with the help of Gandalf and the fellowship of the ring; Gimli the dwarf; Legolas the elf; Boromir, man of Gondor; and the `halfling` hobbits who accompany Frodo; Pippin, Sam and Merry. But the defeat of Shelob in her caverns on the way to Mt Doom, where Frodo destroys the ring to end the magical power of Sauron that holds the Earth in thrall, indicates the truth, which is that men have repressed women`s own penis` semen for her host womb to keep her in enslavement to the production of death in war as a betrayal of the human race and its future amongst the planets and stars. Women would be in heaven above if she`d produced her own brains` powers for the development of the space technologies she needs to raise her `futanarian` foot from the floor of the Earth`s bedrooms, but Hollywood Babylon nailed it there in preference for leading men.
1 Tolkien, J.R.R The Lord Of The Rings, `The Fellowship Of The Ring` Part One, `A Journey In The Dark`, Bk II, Ch. 4, 1954.
2 Armstrong, Neil 21 July, UTC 2: 56, 1969.
3 Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings, `The Fellowship Of The Ring`, `The Council Of Elrond`, Bk II, Ch. 2, 1954.
4 Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings, `The Fellowship Of The Ring`, `The Bridge Of Khazad-Dûm` , Bk II, Ch. 5, 1954.
Jesus` Genius
The healing powers of Jesus are legendary though recorded in the Bible as factual. Consequently, Jesus was a doctor, but what was the medicine? In the early parts of the Bible, which are known as the Old Testament, the Torah and the Talmud, believed in by the people who descried themselves as God`s `chosen`, God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, because the `serpent` in the garden of paradise, that is, the `heaven on Earth` of Eden, tempted Eve to eat of the `fruit of the tree of good and evil` that it was death to taste, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5). Jesus` medicine would be the `elixir of immortality` that the doctors known as alchemists sought to concoct, as the earliest medical practitioners, before scientific advancement.
The developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) argued that alchemy was the result of an individual`s unconsciously projecting their desire for a return to Eden that Eve and the first man, Adam, had lost when they accepted power from the `serpent` by eating the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` and rejecting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality. According to Jung the soul or anima of the individual man was a part of the unconscious `Self`, which received projection onto a woman as an imago causing the individual to have sexual desire for reproduction. As a form of generational immortality, sexual reproduction is logically associable with the `tree of life`, but Jung`s description of a woman`s animus as her contrasexual male component projected by herself onto a man isn`t understandable as the desire for life. Jung perceived the woman`s animus as depicting her as surrounded by male admirers, whereas it`d be truer to see that she was `surrounded` by a male spirit causing her own soul to feel threatened.
Women had their own `seed` after Eden, which God expelled Eve and Adam from because they`d accepted they were slaves of the serpent. Telling Adam he`d have to work, and Eve would experience pain in childbirth, God was explaining their labor would be hard, because Eve`s womb would be the host to parasitism and the threat of death, which was what they`d accepted for power from womb slavery to male braining. Eve`s daughters, born after Eden, were `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen or ``seed`. Although God told Eve she would, `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot,` (Gen: 3. 15) because she`s `futanarian` woman, Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, reveals him to be the doctor. Often depicted in Christian iconography with her `foot` on the poisonous serpent`s head, Mary`s the woman who can give birth to humans uncontaminated by male semen, that is, she`s the `foot` or `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` who can `crush the head of the serpent` because she can sexually reproduce her own female brains from her own penis` semen.
In Jungian terms, women see themselves surrounded by men because they`re her brain eater. Killed and culled since Eden, woman`s species with her own penis` semen has been awaiting Resurrection promised by the birth of Jesus as the fulfilment of Eve and Adam`s labors since Eden. Jesus` illustration is his being tortured to death by the `serpent`s seed` after being nailed to a wooden cross as a `dissident` during the period of the Roman Empire (27 B.C. to 1453 A.D). Afterwards Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because he was `woman`s seed` and prefigured the Resurrection of women with their own penis` semen. She`d been killed and culled as the daughters of Eve who were unwanted, because they interfered with men`s exclusive enslaving of women`s womb, which is why God told Eve she`d accepted death unless she and Adam worked for the Redemption that was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus, whose birth uncontaminated by male semen was what distinguished him as the Messiah.
Carl Jung observed that the alchemical procedure contained hermaphroditism, which he associated with the self`s desire for unity, although he didn`t perceive `futanarian` woman, that is, Jesus` solution, which was to give the human race a brain transplant by having women female brain the species with her own resurrected penis` semen. Alchemy was the early scientific gropings towards Resurrection through female braining, which would end death, because the male brain of the `serpent`s seed` would stop devouring her `seed`. Jesus` perception was that technology would liberate women from labor and science would make her physically youthful and immortal if her parasite would stop preying on her. Jesus was the host to the disciples at the `Last Supper` before his death and offered the disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` because he was born uncontaminated by male semen and wanted to educate good men in species` protection. His disciple, Judas Iscariot, betrayed Jesus as a `dissident` to the Roman occupation of Jewish Palestine for `thirty pieces of silver` because he was a threat to male braining. In the Bible God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19. 15) because of sodomy and parasitism that had degenerated into cannibalism, that is, it was a meat factory, which is why Lot`s wife was turned into a pillar of salt as she looked back in yearning, because women shouldn`t yearn for womb slavery to a parasite that will devour her. To be preserved, meat has to be salted, which is why it is the fate of Lot`s backward looking wife to be depicted as a pillar of the cannibal community bred for the table upon which meat is placed and the salt never runs out:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
How the parasite inveigled its way into the womb of the human species that is `futanarian` women capable of sexually reproducing with her own penis` semen stolen from her by the parasite so it can reproduce itself to kill her is a mystery described in the Bible as Eve`s being tempted by the serpent. But the behavior of the parasite is well documented. By the late 20th century `Greek` homosexual pederasty in institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs to further the parasite`s contagion of war and death was understood when the mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses by homosexuals in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction spread the parasite`s `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS to keep women in fear and faithfulness to ring slavery. The parasite`s paradigm of virality attempted to kill the labor saving computer machines of the human species` peripheral brains as `bad machine code` devised by the Greeks` `geek` successors in the computer programing industry. Known as `Trojan horses` after the Greek siege of Troy in which a huge hollow wooden horse was deployed by the Greeks to be taken into the city by the Trojans as a supposed friendship gift, the computer viruses replicated the activity of the Greeks who enslaved the host wombs of the women of Troy in male braining to kill the mother`s brain. The parasite`s attacks functioned in the same way as HIV/AIDS that feigns friendship for the white leukocyte cells of the human body`s defense system, before killing the brain, which means that women have been engaged in a war with men against homosexuality in pederasty since Eden.
As the doctor, Jesus` prognosis is, `love your neighbor,` as the whole of the law of God, because women need to be able to sexually reproduce with the woman next door and men want to keep her a prisoner. The first astronaut on the moon, Neil Armstrong, declared: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1 But US President Ronald Reagan`s `Strategic Defense Initiative` of 23rd March, 1983, was a `ground and space based` missile system to ring the Earth so that humans would have to ask permission to leave. President Obama`s implementation of AEGIS in 2014 as a ship based missile system was more provocative. The `aegis` was the protective garment of the goddess Pallas Athene, who was the patron deity of the city of Troy, and whose symbol, the horse, was mocked by the Greeks when they deployed a huge hollow wooden horse to hide inside and capture the city for womb enslavement in pederasty and war. Consequently, the United States` President Obama nation`s AEGIS is a Babylonian abomination which could kill the human woman by provoking thermonuclear war before she can raise her own `futanarian` foot to the moon and colonize the planets amongst the stars of `heaven` above. The `serpent`s seed` plan to keep her here and kill her:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
What they`d done was sacrifice medicine and liberating technology for homosexual pederasty in war and death. To men women are talking animals. The analogy is of the animal that is a female who is a `talking animal`. Stories of wolves who`re human `shapeshifters` represent the male perspective that women are animals who talk, because male braining is how they maintain power over the human soul, which is what a female animal who talks represents. Women live in xenophobia, because the idea of the talking female alien is the same as the talking female animal, that is, women talk. Because men don`t want women to have their own brains, they male brain them, so they accept being eaten:
`We'll meet the meat.`2
In Douglas Adams` science fiction satire, The Hitchikers` Guide To The Galaxy (1979), Zaphod Beeblebrox accedes to Milliways` restaurant`s request to be introduced to the `Dish of the Day`, an Ameglian Major Cow, which is a ruminant specifically bred to not only have the desire to be eaten, but to be capable of saying so. Women`s male braining is the human equivalent of Milliways` `Dish of the Day`. Popular culture is littered with Satanist metaphors. The Smash robots that appeared on ITV and throughout the world from 1974 as beloved characters were `Luddite` metaphors for those who wanted to prevent machine technology from saving women`s labor. The `Luddites` were 19th century artisans in the textile industry named for Ned Ludd, who broke two stocking frames in 1769, because they were men who feared to lose employment to machines. Advertising concentrated potato to which hot water was added to produce mashed potato, the Smash advertising satire mocked women`s labor, because they`d been used to having to peel potatoes before cooking and mashing them with a fork or other implement to produce mashed potato. The Smash robots laugh hysterically at the women`s labor, while looking like the parasites that eat heaven after the death of the body so that the individual experiences reincarnation in womb slavery and can`t escape the death guards who`re trained to imprison the humans for the brain eaters by the womb enslavers:
`Earth people peeled their own potatoes with their metal knives, boiled them for twenty of their minutes, then smashed them all to bits.`
The `Luddite` metaphor is male because, if the woman escapes from the Earth through labor saving technologies, the male parasite will die for lack of a host womb. Consequently, men`s lack of technological progress explains their preference for waging war rather than finding a cure for HIV/AIDS. The car hasn`t changed in terms of its basic design since the first Model T Ford rolled off the production line in 1908 at Detroit, Michigan, because the `serpent`s seed` want the meat to pedal. In Saudi Arabia women aren`t allowed to drive at all because men want to trap woman as a species with her own `seed` upon the Earth in reincarnating male braining so she`ll produce war and death in homosexual pederasty. But the Satanists aim is to reestablish Satanism, which is the meat and salt of homosexuality in pederasty and cannibalism, where the parasite fertilizes the ova of the woman and encourages her to be a cannibal because she`s the human.
Although New York and Arlington, Virginia, where the terrorist hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, weren`t the `cities of the plains`, that is, Sodom and Gomorrah, they were the `cities of the planes` that reestablished parasitism and cannibalism. The World Trade Centre was targeted as the `rough trade` center, where `trade` is US slang for that `brutality and violence` which is associated with homosexuality in pederasty and womb slavery to war and death. If `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen doesn`t sexually reproduce her own brains` powers for technological liberation from the `serpent`s seed`, she`ll be meat and salt. After the United States revenged themselves upon Japan for the `sneak attack` on the Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, all that was left of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was sodium (Na), which is the chemical name for `salt`.
Although Jesus` `Second Coming` to the Earth born from `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, that is, victory over the red sun of Japan`s flag and the yellow moon of the flag of terrorism, announces the birth of he who `will rule over the nations with an iron scepter`, the US victories over Japan and the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, represent meat and salt, because it`s the reestablishing of homosexuality in pederasty and male braining`s womb slavery to death worship in parasitism and cannibalism, which is why God expelled Eve and Adam from Eden for preferring the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` to life. Only if men repent from their `original sin` of womb enslaving will they have Redemption, but the US` role of `global policeman` that has been theirs since the nations of the Earth agreed to act collectively as the United Nations (UN) organization isn`t credible any longer.
In the US cartoon made for television series, Top Cat (1961-2), Officer Dibble is a play on the word `edible`, that is, he`s the policeman who prevents the parasites and cannibals from eating the humans. However, if men are the parasites and the women are those who`ve been converted to war so they eat their own children as a part of each nations armed forces, the US is guilty of parasitism and cannibalism, that is, it`s only interested in being Top Cat not Jesus` ruled:
`Yes he's a chief, he's a king, but above everything, he's the most tip top, Top Cat.`3
Top Cat is a talking animal and he`s the leader of an all male gang with a policeman to keep them under control because they`re parasites and cannibals in the image of gangsters. Because women are talking animals to men and they don`t want them to speak so they`ve male brained them with their own semen exclusively, the Top Cat metaphor is important. In cancer research a `sleeping policeman` is a replicating cell that kills the body because it`s a rogue cell that replicates itself, which is why policeman are associated with the `number of the beast` in the Bible, which is `the number of a man, six hundred three score and six` (666), because 999 is a healthily policed body politic while 666 is a political body consumed by rogues. The Bible describes those who could neither `buy or sell` unless they had the `mark of the beast` during a period of `beast` worship, which suggests the security forces are the Earth`s cancer.
By the late 20th century everything had `bar codes`, which had to be read by machines before transactions, communications or identifications involving transactions and communications could occur; for example, telephone numbers and bank accounts: the bar codes of humanity`s imprisonment. The machines were blamed for people`s imprisonment but machines are the key to labor saving. The `Second Coming` of Jesus is presaged by `signs in the sky`, while airports are the low level technology equivalent to the Forum Boarium (1 B.C.) in Rome through which animals were herded for slaughter, that is, technologies such as the science fiction `transporter beam` as seen on US television`s Star Trek (1965-) to transport people instantly to and from starships would produce escapees. If time travel were invented in which people are able to move backwards and forwards through time and space, the humans who were being treated as animals would know because the scenes would be repeated as they grew older in slavery before dying as herded swine. The idiom `pigs might fly` to describe incredulity would be the security forces` revenge for being described as `pigs` by those who don`t like being treated as animals. Consequently, the airports of the Earth are Imperial Rome`s Forum Boarium through which the human animals are herded like pigs in fear of flying:
`My name is legion.` (Mk: 5. 9)
The words of the man demoniacally possessed reflect upon the presence of the Roman legions in Palestine during the time of Jesus when he was casting `demons` out of individuals who were possessed by the spirit of Empire which was parasitical and cannibalistic. Jesus` casting out of the demons from the man into swine who then run over a cliff and drown illustrates what human animals in the grip of Empire are made to do as they`re herded from airport to airport; seeing the same scenes repeated as they collapse and die from fear and exhaustion as forces spent.
The terrorist hijacked plane that crashed into the wall of the Pentagon Defense Department of the United States on 9/11, 2001, released a pent force. Magicians use pentagons for keeping powers pent, while animals are kept pent in pens; before slaughter at the Forum Boarium in Rome, for example. The hijack took place at Boston, Logan, while Logan`s Run (1976) was a Hollywood movie narrating the killing of humans who`d reached 21 years of age because the socio-economy of the science fiction dictated that the resources available couldn`t support an aged population, which is a metaphor for the `futanarian` human penis` `seed` of woman`s being pent and frustrated so she`s unable to escape from her animal`s death by sexually reproducing her own brains` powers for technological liberation. On April 15th, 2014, terrorists bombed the Boston Marathon to prevent the `futanarian` human footrace of women with their own penis` semen for sexually reproducing their own brains` powers from `running`, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) in another metaphor borrowed from Logan`s Run where `sandmen` prevent the `runners`.
The analogy of humanity as a business to be run is familiar from US Grand Master of science fiction, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88) who wrote the novel I Will Fear No Evil (1970) about Jesus` business proposition, which was that the human species needed a brain transplant. The title I Will Fear No Evil is taken from the 23rd Psalm, which is a reference to Jesus` future rulership, `Although I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, your rod and staff comfort me.` Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus is the model for the central protagonist of Heinlein`s novel, Johann, who has his brain transplanted into the body of Eunice, his beautiful secretary, whose mind remains, while their lawyer, Jake, becomes their lover. After Jake becomes one with the other two consciousnesses when he dies of a heart attack after a rigorous love-making session, all three migrate to the baby Joan-Eunice has borne from a sperm deposit Johann had made earlier. The economy of I Will Fear No Evil is run by huge corporations who`re perpetually warring against each other with private armies in fulfilment of God`s warning to Eve of the `perpetual enmity` the `serpent`s seed` has for her `seed` because her `seed` is almost non-existent. The `futanarian` concept of woman with her own penis` semen is embodied in the character of Joan-Eunice who is forever damned from having her own female brain, because she`s the product of male semen. If women were able to sexually reproduce their own brains together the socio-economy of the Earth would be on another footing, that is, it wouldn`t be Eunice`s business to have the human animals running from her through the Forum Boarium of the Roman Empire after Jesus.
Although the analogy seems far fetched, the metaphor is deep. The flag of the Qaresh tribe of the Prophet Mohamed, who founded Islam more than six hundred years after the death of Jesus when, according to tradition, the angels of God dictated to him the Koran (610-30 C. E.), is associated with Al Qaeda, because of the `crash` of the planes into the Twin Towers of New York, whereas the Al Uqab is the flag of the Prophet without the eagle of the Qaresh, but the yellow cab of the New York taxi driver has a flag for the profit, because it`s a peddler for a meet taxer, that is, Western men don`t want women to meet each other, so the metaphor is that their penis has been removed with an axe, whereas in Islam four wives are permissible within a marriage because `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women with their own penis` semen and host wombs is encouraged in acceptance of the meaning of Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen. Taxiing is a metaphor for aeroplanes preparing to lift off from the airport runway, so `meat tax` is taxiing, that is, the meat has to pay the tax of losing its penis to the axe before she can raise her `foot` from the Earth:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
The Qaresh is the eagle of Islam while the eagle of the US is upon the Great Seal of the authority of the President, which means that the woman of the Earth is protected by the eagle and her hymen is her seal, which explains why Osama Ben Laden was symbolically killed as the leader of Al Qaeda by US Navy seals on 2 May, 2011. What isn`t explained is why women of the West are lied to. Moslem women know they`re the human `futanarian` penis` semen, because `Islam` means `accept` and Jesus` teaching is accepted, whereas nudity is common in Western nations, but women`s penis has been taxied off the runway in endless photo shoots of penisless women who`re a clothes` horse perpetuating the `Trojan horse` of men`s opinion about how women brained without their own human semen should look.
The term `packing` in English slang refers to divorce, that is, one or other of the marriage pair are giving up on the arrangement, whereas in the United States `packing` is used by someone to describe their carrying of a gun. The terms collide in the concept `meat packing`, which is used in the butcher`s trade to describe the salting of carcasses as preserved meat, and is why Lot`s lineage is Islam and not Christianity. In the Bible Abraham`s son Isaac is of the line of Judaism, whereas Ishmael is of the line of Islam. Consequently, Lot turned his back on the meat and salt of parasitism and cannibalism, while ring slavery in Christian monogamy perpetuates the penisless women of the meat packers who`ve `meat taxed` her penis` `seed` to prevent her from having the brains to save herself. Robert Heinlein`s metaphor in I Will Fear No Evil is organ replacement, because men are `whore guns` who`ve whored women until they haven`t brains of their own and kill and cull with their guns `futanarian` women who have their own penis` semen and host wombs to prevent them from sexually reproducing their own brains` powers for liberation.
The United States is perceived as sexually more liberated than the United Kingdom, because men carry guns openly in public, while guns aren`t carried openly in the UK. Hollywood`s `Hays code` (1930-67) established the `foot on the floor rule` for women in bedroom scenes, because men didn`t want the woman`s `foot` to rise from the floor of the Earth and so made her penis taboo; although God told Eve her `seed` would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot`, because her `futanarian` semen would fertilize her own ova. The prevalence of `gun culture` in the US means the woman`s penis is despised, because they`ve `outlawed` her, whereas in the less inhibited UK the male penis is `undercover` lest the women discover their guilty secret, which is that the British Empire killed her race after Jesus there.
In Islam Jesus is Isa and Mary is Miriam and, although Isa is born uncontaminated by male semen, he has Ascension without death because Islam, which means `accept`, accepts woman`s Resurrection from her own penis` semen for her own brains` powers from her own host womb. The Moslem belief in Jesus` Ascension without death is supported in Catholic dogma through Pope Pius XII`s doctrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven, that is, the four wives of the Moslem marriage represent acceptance of Jesus` teaching of Redemption and Resurrection for `woman`s seed` without inflicting the imagery of heaven through death on their congregation`s lust for consumption by the dragon of the `serpent`s seed` depicted in the Bible as waiting in vain to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`, because that`s what reprobate men are for. Having male brained women into accepting their virality, women have their brains and so are projections of themselves as what Carl Jung described as the collective shadow. As cowards men`s perception is that they`re performing the work of God by killing the woman, because she`s a projection of their evil nature after they`ve male brained Eve`s descendants as their whore. Only Christianity preaches death and Ascension as a method, whereas Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen indicates the truth, which is that heaven is attainable through the `seed` of women, because Resurrection is from her host womb. Consequently, if men kill the woman as their shadow they`ll both go to hell, which is God`s punishment of perdition for the `serpent`s seed` who`re irredeemable.
Carl Jung`s description of the personal shadow was of subconscious instinct`s unrecognized power as a tool of individual development, because it`s the nature of men to see the other person as inferior and project themselves as superior. According to Jung sexual libido was the instinctual desire for sexual reproduction, but he hadn`t comprehended that men were women`s parasites and so their penis` desire for her was her desire for herself, which men of the `serpent`s seed` abhorred, because they were only interested in replicating like cancer, and that`s what HIV/AIDS` biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) represents in homosexuality and pederasty`s war against the human species` own `seed`. Having removed her penis from the scene and being disgusted by sexual reproduction as the parasite that only wants to replicate, it wasted humanity`s life in sterile penile masturbations with her anus that spread the HIV/AIDS` incurable `killer disease` by mixing blood, shit and semen together, which is why God sentenced it to eternal unendurable pain without appeal. Despising woman`s penis from the scene and then despising their own from the scene so that all women are able to see is the bulge that isn`t their penis is what God condemned them for:
`I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.` (Gen: 22. 17)
God is telling Abraham that his `seed` will be fruitful, but like God`s angel, Satan, who refused to bow before Adam, according to the Koran and Jewish pseudepigrapha, for example, the Book of Enoch (300 B.C.), Abraham isn`t capable of recognizing that God is promising all of this through his wife Sarah`s potency. Hagar is a woman of her house and she offers her womb for fertilization. Consequently, Abraham`s `seed` presupposes woman`s, which is why Satan made a mistake by rejecting Adam`s `seed`, because `woman`s seed` would supercede Adam`s. Satan might have accepted Eve`s `seed`, but God transformed him into a serpent in Eden for rejecting Adam`s and that began the `perpetual enmity` God warned Eve her `seed` would have with Satan, who was reprobate because he tempted Eve with the power of womb slavery to war and death in homosexual pederasty, which is parasitism and cannibalism for the human species in the Forum Boarium of Earth beneath the moon.
In Judaism and Islam the pig is `haraam`, that is, forbidden, which in Christianity is attributable to Jesus` casting out demons from the man who told the Messiah he was `legion` in the likeness of the legions of the Roman Empire, because the demons asked Jesus to be cast into swine and then ran off a cliff and drowned in the river, because they wanted their spirits to reenter the bodies of men, which is what they had been as pagan men of Rome in irredeemable parasitism. The Forum Boarium was a meat and fish market, while the fish is a traditional Moslem and Christian symbol from `The Cave` (18) and the belief in Jesus as a `fisher of men` in terms of Salvation. According to the Koran Moses and Joshua lost a fish by the Red Sea, which preceded the appearance of Khidr who agreed to travel with the pair. Symbolically, Khidr is the fish and so prefigures Jesus` teaching. In `The Cave` narrative Khidr rebuilds a wall as there`s treasure he doesn`t want to be found too soon; then he kills a child because it would grow to be evil, and finally Khidr makes holes in boats lest pirates follow. Moses can`t bear Khidr`s teaching in patience because he can`t immediately understand and so he becomes the `law giver` of Judaism, who accepts the law of God for his people who need laws and not teaching. Jesus` role as the reappeared `fish`, in what Christianity calls the New Testament, is the human born uncontaminated by male semen, whose birth itself is the teaching, that is, the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, because Jesus is what can be understood after patience and acceptance of God`s law. The pig is the forbidden meat, because it reminds women of Jesus` teaching, which is that men are legion and the reprobates eat her.
1 Armstrong, Neil UTC: 2. 56, 21 July, 1969.
2 Adams, Douglas The Hitchikers` Guide To The Galaxy, Episode 5, BBC 2, 2 February, 1981.
Parasitical Cannibalism
Bisexuality was the modern paradigm of the 21st century in which homosexuality and lesbian relationships were conceived as behavioural alternatives in terms of sexuality, whereas God`s exhortation to Eve her `seed` (Gen: 3. 15) will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` suggests women with `seed` of their own born after she leaves Eden with the first man, Adam, because the pair were tempted by the serpent with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Although it was death to taste it, as womb slavery would ensue for `woman`s seed`, Eve would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot` as she left, because woman with her own penis` semen and host womb would be born after God`s expulsion of Eve and Adam from paradise and, despite womb slavery to men of the `serpent`s seed` in death and the `perpetual enmity` of vendetta and war, Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, followed by his teaching of Redemption through forgiveness, and his being nailed upon the wooden cross, where he was tortured to death before experiencing Resurrection, prefigures the reemergence of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, who isn`t `lesbian` but representative of woman`s socio-economically independent species` capacity for sexually fertilizing herself and producing her own brains` powers for technologically liberating herself from drudgery.
While lesbianism and homosexuality was conflated as bisexuality in the modern era, the term applies only to lesbianism, because homosexuals aren`t lesbian, and so the generic term `gay` doesn`t apply to both equally, although `politically correct` thinking devised in the United States of America would have people believe that lesbians and homosexuals are the same because politically equal. Because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb can produce from their own host womb independently of men who don`t have wombs, their progeny would democratically replace men as the enfranchised human race. Consequently, men have found ways of disenfranchising women and neutering her sexually in womb slavery to continue their `perpetual enmity` for her `seed`:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The `serpent`s seed` is women`s enslaver in parasitism, while women who accept enslavement correspond to her cannibals, that is, they devour the human species willingly in warmongering. Consequently, parasites and cannibals is what men and women are who`ve subjugated the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb in womb slavery and consumption. Consumption is a term used by early medical practitioners to describe those whose bodies appeared consumed by illness before they expired, which is what the incurable `killer disease` HIV/AIDS of the late 20th century did. The Bible warns of `blood plague` (Rev: 11.6) sent by God to convert men from their sin, which is womb slavery and cannibalism. HIV/AIDS kept women in faithful monogamous fear and so was men`s `biological weapon` in the war they were waging for possession of the womb. The paradigm is ancient. In Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved institutionally in homosexuality and pederasty to spread the contagion of war. The siege of Troy confirmed men`s virality. Leaving a huge hollow wooden horse outside the walls of the city, the Greeks emerged when the Trojans took the horse in and enslaved the host wombs of the women to spread the contagion further. The HIV/AIDS virus consumes in the same way. The HIV/AIDS cells feign friendship, as homosexuals do, for the white leukocyte defender cells of the human system, before killing the brain by consumption. In the Bible the dragon `waits in vain` to consume the child borne by the woman, although `he will rule the Earth with an iron scepter` against men`s sin of mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of women for pederasty and war`s virality, which seems to be their parasitical nature, while the women who support the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` are female cannibals who prefer consumption and death to life for the human race.
Consumption is the term used to describe socio-economics, that is, humans consume when they purchase, while `consumed with desire` is idiom for what`s obtainable. As humans are capable of only two physical activities, that is, sustenance and genito-urinary function, consumption is a problem deriving from a conflation of the eating and procreative function, which is why the dragon is depicted waiting in vain to devour the new redeemer, because humans will overcome the compulsion instilled in them by the `serpent`s seed` of men to enslave and devour their children in order to maintain women in womb slavery.
In the 21st century by deploying their virus paradigm to the killing of human peripheral brains by infecting computers with `bad machine code` known as `Trojans`, men are following their parasitical program to maintain the Earth at a low level of technological progress which has been going on since they began killing and culling after Eve`s `seed` emerged as `futanarian` woman from her host womb and those of her daughters after Eden. Men`s pogrom prevents the human species from sexually reproducing her own brains` powers as `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` can. The incurable HIV/AIDS disease is paradigmatic of the unwillingness of men to cure her, because long-lived women with their memories` capacity for remembering themselves as a species capable of sexually reproducing without men is something that the `serpent`s seed` wouldn`t want to become widely known; lest women breed and develop advanced technologies to leave for the planets and stars of `heaven above` in escape from womb slavery and death.
The denial of women`s socio-economic independence through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers is diametrically different to men`s socio-economic cycle of womb slavery and consumption. The wars of the 20th century were fought mainly on the strength of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) of the United States of America, which appeared as the world`s `policeman`, but effectively represented womb slavery in homosexual pederasty and war in order to consume human civilization, culture and art, because that`s what parasitism and cannibalism produces. The most striking instance of the spread of the virality of `rough trade`, that is, the homosexual `brutality and violence` associated with pederasty, was the terrorist group Al Qaeda`s precipitation of the Gulf war in March 2003 to depose Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, their supporter in the Middle East, by hijacking planes on September 11, 2001, and crashing them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, which was obviously chosen as the `rough trade` symbol of the desire for parasitism and cannibalism, that is, a conflation of the human desire to eat and produce; resulting in consumption as a perversion. In simple terms, men are a virus that has somehow inveigled itself into the host wombs of woman as her parasite, which is why God is depicted as sending the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) to convert men from their sin:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
What they`d done was accept themselves as a virus enslaving a host womb as parasites producing cannibals that would devour what remained of humans as their consumption. Jesus` teaching warned against it quite clearly at the `Last Supper` when Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` as symbolic of his `body and blood` to his disciples was rejected by his disciple Judas Iscariot who accepted `thirty pieces of silver` to betray Jesus to the Roman authorities as a `dissident` who crucified him. Judas observed that Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represented the future host womb of the `futanarian` human race of `woman`s seed`, which threatened male Empire and so he betrayed Jesus. God`s resurrecting of the Christian Messiah indicated that `woman`s seed` would have Resurrection, but men would have to be forgiven if they were to have Redemption from their sin of womb slavery in parasitism and cannibalistic consumption of the products of women`s wombs in war and death.
In `Islam`, `accept`, Jesus` Ascension to heaven doesn`t require death and Resurrection, because `woman`s seed` is at the heart of the Moslem faith. With four wives permissible in each marriage, it`s possible for `futanarian` women to breed safely amongst each other, while the usually black one-piece coverall of the burkha, concealing women from public view, allows Moslem women to hide their bodies from men, who aren`t allowed to look at them by tradition derived from the holy Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by God`s angels, more than six hundred years after Christ, but they`re free to be seen in private within what can be `futanarian` marriage:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
In the Koran God made men, women, angels and djinn, which confuses those who don`t know `futanarian` women can sexually reproduce with each other, because men and women aren`t angels, although Jesus` description of heaven suggests the new angelic host will be representative of the Virgin Mary and Jesus `uncontaminate`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb escaped from ring slavery to men. Christianity perceives Islam as ungodly, because djinn aren`t a part of the Christian Bible and so are defined as `demons`, whereas the concept of `free will`, which is the attribute of the djinn, as it is of men and women, denotes women born in female braining, which is escape from male braining by the `seed` of men through the `seed` of women who were born after Eden as Eve`s daughters and female descendants, but who were killed and culled to institute womb slavery to consumption by her parasites in cannibalism.
The size of a woman`s penis and the amount of semen she`s able to generate is far greater than the recorded average size of the male penis in the United States of America, for example, which is less than six inches in length, which may serve to spread the virus` contagion but is indicative of the perfunctoriness of the activity for men, while all women have host wombs and gestation of the human infant is at least nine months. Because women`s penis` are bigger, the suggestion is they`re more human, because their concern is to nurture the child from their breast milk:
`The AAP recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for about the first 6 months of life. This means your baby needs no additional foods (except Vitamin D) or fluids unless medically indicated. Babies should continue to breastfeed for a year and for as long as is mutually desired by the mother and baby.`1
The American Academy of Pediatrics` advice indicates men`s problem. Ejaculation takes seconds, whereas the weening of a newborn infant takes 2. 5 years with pre-schooling at home to come before kindergarten, if afforded within the slavers` socio-economy, or primary school. Consequently, women are slaves to childbirth, which is what God told Eve, that is, she`d experience labor pains, before Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen showed her the path to Resurrection, while God told Adam he must work, that is, labor, if he wanted Redemption from sin, because his `seed` would be women`s enslavers. As everyone knows, slavers represent laziness and would rather kill progress than develop; as evinced in the story of Cain and Abel, where the able bodied man is killed to disable the human species` progress, because he can cook, whereas Cain picks fruit and doesn`t want life to be more technical. With their own brains` powers from their own penis` semen and host womb, women have the capacity to develop technologically, which those with the `mark of Cain` don`t want. In the Bible it is written that people of the future, `could not buy or sell unless they had the mark,` (Rev: 13. 17) which is the `mark of Cain`. Men have killed the brain of the human race so they can laze, and so constitute a brain disease, which is curable if women can sexually reproduce their own brains` powers to protect her nurturing of the race`s infancy, otherwise the patient will die of consumption.
The penis` disappearance from view is almost ridiculously stage managed from the perspective of woman. In Hollywood Babylon the `Hays code` (1930-67) forbade a woman to raise her foot from the floor in bedroom scenes, because men don`t want the woman`s `foot` to rise from the Earth and `crush the head of the serpent`, that is, Hollywood corresponds in fact to Babylon, `mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth`, as the ancient seat of Iraq where the meaning of the name, Saddam Hussein, that is, `small handsome man` and `crusher`, would be Hollywood Babylon, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) for the `small screen` after 9/11, 2001, `live on CNN` and other news networks began the `TV war`, which is another definition of what ensues from male braining where everyone has the same brain because maled and so they`re wearing each others` clothes in transvestism or `TV` while their enslavers watch them devouring each other cannibalistically. Hollywood made the movie World Trade Centre (2005) as a paean to heroism and the anathema of terrorism, but moviedom`s `one foot on the floor` rule had precluded the birth of `woman`s seed` in the West and male braining had resulted in war with the `futanarian` East, because that`s what parasites and cannibals are for.
The strong manly actors` chin is a sine qua non for Hollywood Babylon `leading men`, like Saddam Hussein, `small handsome man` and `crusher` of woman`s head, in biblical terms, while defining `futanarian` women`s wombs productive of their own human species from their own host wombs as `djinn` explains why stereotypical men with a strong Western chin label djinn `demons`, because `futanarian` brains have `free will` undetermined by men through women`s potential for socio-economic separation from the `serpent`s seed`. According to the Koran there are good djinn and evil djinn, just as there are heroes and villains in Hollywood Babylon movies, because heterosexuality is a `gay` game in which the emphasis upon the `leading man` with the strong chin and the suppression of the penis of the woman from view indicates she`s djinn without a beard, while he can grow one, that is, the absence of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb from the stage set of the Earth indicates women are djinn that can be grown by men, while women enslaved in evil ephemerality can`t grow their own beard and so can never be wiser to the appearance of a bearded chin.
The concept `demon` and `djinn` are designed to prevent women from being understood as a separate human species, which the standard Greek drama, Oedipus Rex (c. 429) by playwright Sophocles, demonstrates. The `Oedipal complex` is familiar from the repression theories of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), where Oedipus unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother, then blinds himself because of the incest taboo, which is men`s device to prevent the woman, in this case Antigone, Jocasta`s daughter, from becoming sexually interested in women. Jesus` maxim, `love your neighbor`, neatly elides the difficulty to give women hope, as does his exemplary birth uncontaminated by male semen, but Antigone`s self-abnegating decision to guide Oedipus` blind steps indicates women`s flaw, which is sympathy for the parasite that`s killed her own penis` `seed`. If `futanarian` women are the true human species, the fruits of women`s wombs by their own penis` semen are defined by their enslavers and cannibals as `djinn` and `demons`, because that`s how the alien parasite has defined the human race out of existence in favor of brainless chins. Men want to laze in low technology fields picking fruit like Cain while woman`s brain dead state precludes her raising her technological level to escape being Able.
Beheading is idiomatically `chinning`, for example, Charles I, king of England, was `chinned` by the headsman`s axe after the English Civil war (1642-51) to establish democracy, while during the French Revolution (1789-99) to remove the brains of France`s aristocracy, the guillotine came down just below the chin onto the neck in another instance of `chinning`, and is why the English aristocracy are pejoratively described as `chinless wonders` by a disparaging paparazzi. Decapitation is what men have practiced on the human species by denying `futanarian` women the `fruit` of their own penis` `seed`. Although the true human race of `futanarian` women still lives, the less than six inch average size of the male American penis suggests there`s a proportionate ratio between the capacity of the male penis to produce semen and what now passes for the human brain`s capacity for intellectual progress.
Men`s interest in sexual reproduction is as perfunctory as their concern with childrearing, because they want reincarnation rather than Resurrection, which is for `woman`s seed`. Consequently, rebirth is parasitism and cannibalism, whereas newbirth from `futanarian` humans is what Jesus` uncontaminated birth prefigures. Whether reincarnation is a fact or a belief isn`t germane. Men`s principle is of male braining, which precludes newbirth from `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Resurrection isn`t for the sinner, whereas God`s promise of eternal unendurable pain for the unrepentant as their punishment for not converting from their sinful nature is. Men`s sin is of effectively decapitating the human race by parasitically invading its host womb and stealing the woman`s penis, which is her species` brains` `seed`. Redemption requires genuine conversion from sin, which would necessitate women being publically lauded for having a penis as Hollywood Babylon superstars in mainstream movie productions, for example, and a concerted public move on the part of the Earth`s governments to positively discriminate in favor of women`s sexual reproduction with each other through educational programs and media campaigns involving all of the usual popular tools of dissemination such as situation comedies, dramas, and reality shows, etc. If the world doesn`t accede to the demands of Jesus` `rule` through his teachings as the Messiah, there`ll be no Redemption for the wicked.
1 American Academy of Pediatrics, Breastfeeding Initiatives, `How Long Should I Breastfeed My Baby?`, .
Parasites And Cannibals
The human infant is being eaten, as was foretold in the Bible, when the serpent of Eden grew to full size, as the dragon that `waits in vain` to devour the child of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, as she gave birth to he who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, that is, Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and who is reborn after his death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, as the `New Redeemer` in his `Second Coming` to the Earth, as the savior of all those who aren`t born of male semen, which is the `serpent`s seed` of the dragon who is eating the human infant.
In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve`s `seed` is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb killed and culled to keep the human `footrace` on the Earth and prevent her from leaving since Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, were expelled by God from the paradise of Eden, that is, heaven on Earth, for eating the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` after the serpent, Satan, who was the angel expelled by God from `heaven above` for refusing to bow before Adam, said `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Adam and Eve`s rejection of the `fruit of the tree of life` meant death, because `futanarian` woman`s human child would be born after Eden from her own penis` `seed` and host womb but those who accepted the `serpent`s seed` would be her womb enslavers in parasitism and cannibalism, where men are the parasitical enslavers of women`s host womb for war and death and those women who support them are the cannibal devourers of their own species` infancy:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Because men and women are the `serpent`s seed` who have enslaved the host womb of the human species in parasitism and cannibalism, they constitute the abomination unless they convert from their sin, which is an obligation placed upon them by God: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) God sends the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) to convert men from their sin of homosexuality in pederasty, which is the war and death that consumes the human race. Although Jesus is depicted as having Resurrection after death and Ascension to heaven, death worship is not being advocated. At the `Last Supper`, before his being nailed to a wooden cross and tortured to death, Jesus offered to his disciples `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, which represented his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the host womb of the human species from whence he was born uncontaminated by male semen. Jesus` death and Ascension isn`t advocating death worship, but prefiguring the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` able to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers for human development independently of the `serpent`s seed` of parasitism and cannibalism which seeks to keep the Earth in its power through womb slavery to war in pederasty.
Ancient Greek civilization, which is the model for Western democracy, institutionalized homosexuality to spread the contagion of war in pederasty. The viral paradigm is illustrated in the Greeks` leaving of a huge hollow wooden horse before the walls of the city of Troy which was taken in by the Trojans where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women for homosexuality in pederasty and war and spread their contagion further. By the late 20th century the virus paradigm of homosexuality had produced the `gay plague` of HIV/AIDS as the `biological weapon` of the `serpent`s seed` spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction.
Although Moslem marriages in `Islam`, which means `accept`, can contain four women, because `futanarian` sexual reproduction is accepted, the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels, according to Islamic tradition, to the Prophet Mohamed more than six hundred years after the death and Resurrection of Jesus, Jesus` bodily Ascension, following the Christian dogma of the bodily Assumption of the Virgin Mary, rejects death worship in acceptance of the teachings of Jesus, whereas pre-Islam Christians haven`t been taught to belief in the bodily Ascension of Jesus because death is their path to heaven. Consequently, God warned Eve of the `perpetual enmity` the serpent would have for her human `seed` which it killed and culled, and enslaved in parasitism, to wrest heaven from humanity.
By the late 20th century `geeks` were the computer programing successors to the ancient Greeks devising the `Trojan horses` of `bad machine code` to kill the brains of the computers devised by the humans to assist them after the model of the HIV/AIDS` virus, which feigns friendship, as homosexuals do, for the white leukocyte cells of the body`s defense system before killing the brain, which is what Judas Iscariot did at the `Last Supper`, when he betrayed Jesus as the host womb of the human species to the Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine, who killed him as the child of the human species uncontaminated by male semen. Jesus` birth prefigured the birth of the brains of the humans, who`d be sexually reproduced from the `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs, if they lived, and if they`d have that Resurrection from death, which Jesus` death and Ascension represented. Men`s socio-economic history is that of a parasitical enslaver of its host killing and culling her to maintain her species in slavery to war and death. Inveigling itself into the body of the woman, the parasite has stolen her penis` semen, and has convinced her to perpetrate cannibalism upon her own `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed`, with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of the human species` brains` powers, which it keeps at a low level of functioning to serve as its entertainment system in war and pederasty
The term `geek` derives from the character at `circus sideshows` eating chicken heads as entertainment, while `TV` or television is the result of the `serpent`s seed` of men`s male braining of the human species in `TV`, where transvestism is abbreviated as `TV` and means entertainment by those who are male brained and wearing each others` clothes as a transvestite killing itself on television for the entertainment circus, which is why computer `geeks` devise `bad machine code` to kill computer brains capable of storing vast amounts of information, lest the human race remember enough to achieve self-awakening to the war being waged against the species by its alien pogromers. In spying `circus` means the killing of individuals to prevent them from seeing, which is what the abomination of homosexuals in male braining for transvestism in pederasty and war against the Earth are for. On September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked civil airliners, in betraying the defence system of their hosts, the United States, and crashed the `Trojan horse` viruses, `live on CNN` and other `TV` networks, into the World Trade Centre, as a metaphor for the global `rough trade` in homosexual `brutality and violence` that men pay other men for, and the United States` oil man, President George W. Bush, began a war to depose moustachioed `gay biker` clone, Saddam Hussein, oil rich ruler of Iraq, because he`d said `live on TV` that he supported of Al Qaeda. Babylon was the ancient seat of Iraq while Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, `he shall crush your head and he shall bruise your heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) because he was Hollywood Babylon`s `small handsome man` for the `small screen` and the `TV war`, which was what the Gulf war to depose him was known as, because of the excellent `live coverage`. Afterwards, the `blockbuster` movie, World Trade Centre (2005), was made by the modern seat of Babylon, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, where the Hays code (1930-67) had made it a rule that the foot of a woman shouldn`t be raised from the floor in bedroom scenes, because homosexuality in pederasty and acted wars as entertainment by `small handsome men` on the `big screen` didn`t want humans to walk on the Earth, from the host wombs of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen so Hollywood Babylon occluded her to ensure Saddam Hussein`s seat in Iraq`s Babylon would remain safe to produce material for another feature.
The concept of a safe seat is electoral, that is, in the democratic process elections take place where the population of a given area vote for the candidate they feel will best represent their interests. If a seat becomes vacant because the incumbent retires, and the other candidates aren`t thought to have a chance of being elected, it`s a `safe seat` for the favorite. Consequently, if women are the human species, because they have the human penis` semen and host womb, Saddam Hussein was `elected` by Hollywood Babylon, when they imposed the Hays` code `one foot on the floor rule` (1930-67) to prevent the human woman from sexually reproducing with her own penis` `seed` and host womb. Moreover, if there aren`t any `futanarian` women on the Earth sexually reproducing their own brains` powers for technological liberation from womb slavery, men are the aliens that have disenfranchised her to keep her foot upon the Earth they`ve invaded as her infanticide. Osama Ben Laden was from a wealthy family in oil rich Saudi Arabia, who was the leader of Al Qaeda`s terrorist group trained by the elected misogynist Taliban Islamic fundamentalist government for the 9/11, 2001, attack on the United States. Because Moslem women were disenfranchised in Middle Eastern dictatorships, prior to the `Arab Spring`, which was the revolutionary movement amongst the Moslem states after the fall of Saddam Hussein, who was executed on 30 December, 2006, disenfranchisement for humanity under the yoke of an alien dictatorship is what the `TV war` was designed by the oil men to reestablish.
Oil is fuel for motor cars, which are the pedal vehicles in pederasty that haven`t changed in terms of their basic design structure since the first Model T Ford rolled off the production line In Detroit, Michigan, on 1 October, 1908, which suggests that pedaling disabled and disabling vehicles is what the oil men are for. In Saudi Arabia women aren`t allowed to drive cars lest they get their species` foot on the accelerator and leave Earth after their `futanarian` race with their own penis` semen and host womb sexually reproduces their own brains` powers to develop space travel so they don`t have to pedal themselves in womb slavery to the death of their human species, which is probably why they leave the driving to the parasites, rather than accept their role as cannibals chasing after the arse of the peddler in front, before getting into their tanks to avoid being seen constantly attempting to `engage` surreptitiously, without accepting the `rules of engagement` Hollywood Babylon has for them in the theatre of war. Oil was given as the surreptitious reason for the first `TV war` (1990-1) in the Gulf to remove Saddam Hussein`s army from oil rich Kuwait when Texas oil man, President George H. Bush, father of George W. Bush, sent the US army to secure the oil wells. When Saddam Hussein was deposed, it was the Iraqi oil fields that were given as the surreptitious reason for the second `TV war`, but the real reason was to keep oil as the fuel of the Hollywood Babylon movie industry with films like Giant (1956) starring gay actors, the ageing `leading man`, Rock Hudson, and his replacement, the younger, James Dean, in a story of oil men looking not to confront each other as directly as they want to in an oil war with undertones of homosexuality and pederasty; much like the `TV wars` of the Gulf. Rock Hudson died of HIV/AIDS and James Dean died young in a car accident, which sums up the truth well. Oil men would rather the human species died than it stopped pedaling cars and oil in sterile pederasty and war`s death worship.
We`re Living In A False Paradigm
Women are taught that they have to have a man because men are the sexual fertilizers of their ova, and because women don`t have penis` semen of their own. However, according to the Bible, they do. In the garden of Eden God tells Eve her` seed` will have `perpetual enmity` for the `serpent`s seed`, but she will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because Eve is expelled from paradise on Earth, that is, heaven, for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, rather than the `fruit of the tree of life`, immortality, God`s words to her indicate that her victory occurs as she leaves Eden, although she and Adam are expelled for accepting the serpent`s offer, `You shall be as gods,` (Gen: 3. 5) if they eat the fruit of the `tree of knowledge`, because Eve`s `foot` is the `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation from womb slavery in war and death, which is what men`s `seed` produces.
The `seed` of woman was born after Eden which Jesus Christ`s birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, emphasizes. Jesus is the preacher of Redemption from original sin, that is, the enslaving of the host womb of the human species for godlike power as its extinguisher in war and death. Jesus was betrayed as the host at his `Last Supper` where he offered his disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, that is, his mother, the host womb of the human race, before he was sold for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman occupiers of Jewish Palestine as a `dissident` by his disciple, Judas Iscariot. Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and tortured to death, before he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which prefigures the Resurrection of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb, Consequently, Judas is the betrayer of the human host to the Empire of Satan, who was the angel expelled by God from heaven and turned into the serpent of Eden for refusing to accept God`s plan, while Jesus is Christ, the `redeemer`, because he represents the rebirth and Resurrection of `woman`s seed` after Eve and Adam`s expulsion from Eden, which preceded them (and their descendants) obtaining power like gods by killing and culling the `futanarian` humans species of woman with her own penis` semen to prevent humanity from achieving socio-economic independence and escaping from her womb slavers, the `serpent`s seed` of men.
Because women have their own penis` semen as God`s `seed` waiting to leave the Earth and crush the serpent with her `futanarian` foot as she leaves, she`s living in a false paradigm in which lies are couched as truth. Taught she must have a man, women sacrifice themselves on the altar of their parasite. In the Bible the serpent grows in size to a dragon, which `waits in vain` to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming` as `he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter`, because Jesus` teaching of Redemption require women to reject Satanism and accept `woman`s seed`, which means they have to embrace each other and deny men who`re unredeemed. Jesus` basic precept was `love your neighbor` as the entire distillation of the meaning of God`s law, because women are taught they`re Oedipal. The ancient Greek dramatist, Sophocles, wrote the drama of Oedipus who killed his father accidentally and married his mother in ignorance, and so he was blind metaphorically, while afterwards he blinded himself for committing the sin of incest which is men`s dominant taboo because they don`t want the woman to remember her own penis. Oedipus represents the taboo against the daughter having sexual intercourse with her mother and fertilizing her with her own penis` semen, whereas Jesus` maxim `love your neighbor` is women`s Redemption, because they can love their neighbor as their mother, but sexually, whereas men`s incest taboo precludes women`s realization that women are the sexual counterparts of each other. If the mother is a sexual impossibility for the son, it`s a physical impossibility for a woman without a penis and who doesn`t know that women have penis` semen of their own because her species has been culled by a parasite so it can emerge and cull and kill her from the host womb as her enslaver in the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for her human `seed` of woman in war against her until the death of her race:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) with nuclear warheads to produce global holocaust in the event of war are a product of women`s wombs, because men have thought them up, but `woman`s seed` is independent of male braining, which means the parasite is planning to kill her. The world`s religions might be strong but Satanism doesn`t care about belief; it has its agenda: the death of the human species. Because it`s a parasite that grows from the host womb of the woman to wage war against her and kill her. Although her indomitable spirit is able to inspire civilization, culture and art, men want to kill her, which is why the parasites wage war upon her Earth. It`s their nature as parasites whereas her nature has been culled or killed as the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brain`s powers for technological liberation from slavery so she can lift her `foot` from the Earth and set it upon `the pearl of great price`, which is the moon as the first step of woman`s journey to planetary colonization for `woman`s seed` amongst the stars of heaven, but ICBMs won`t get her there:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1
Neil Armstrong`s words as the first man on the moon for the North American Space Administration (NASA) program were belied in March 1983 when US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan unveiled his plan for a `ground and missile based system` that would prevent humans leaving Earth without permission. Consequently, woman`s `foot` would never be placed upon the moon because she`s the `futanarian` human species` `seed` here. Many have wondered why Hollywood is called Babylon. Because of its support for Satanism. The Hays code (1930-67) made it a rule for women to have one foot on the floor in bedroom scenes so that immoral sexual activity couldn`t occur. But morality wasn`t the issue. Although Robert Redford and Jane Fonda appeared in scenes of intimacy in Barefoot In The Park (1967), the Hays code had made it unlikely for a naked `futanarian` woman`s penis to be imagined as her `foot` in Central Park, because of the serpent`s grass roots` presence in Hollywood Babylon. If women`s penis was never seen, women`d remain ignorant and blind. The `futanarian` foot of `woman`s seed` would never leave the Earth, even as far as the moon, because her penis wouldn`t. Even the Pioneer spacecraft, 10 and 11, NASA sent out of the solar system (1972, `73), with a brass plaque for other life forms to see and learn about humans, depicted only man and woman, while woman`s true sexual counterpart, that is, her own `futanarian` species with her own penis` semen for her own host wombs, was absent, because the parasite didn`t want the rest of the cosmos to know it`d stolen the human`s penis and was on its way to kill her should she be found alive.
Although US President Barack Obama`s nation opted for AEGIS, a sea based missile shield against ICBMs, `aegis` was the goddess` Pallas Athene`s protective garment, and she was the patron deity of the city of Troy besieged and taken by the Greeks, who institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty to spread their contagion of war, while enslaving the host wombs of the women. The Greeks devised a huge hollow wooden horse, known as the `Trojan horse`, from which they emerged to capture the city and enslave the host wombs of the women for homosexuality in pederasty and war when the Trojans took the horse into Troy, deluding themselves it was a gift acknowledging the defensive capabilities of Pallas Athene, whose motherly symbol was the tirelessness of the horse. Their priest, Laocoon, even told them it was the 20th century `geek` counterpart of the Greeks, that is, a programer, who`d written a `bad machine code` to infect their system and kill the brain of the city of Troy after the fashion of the HIV/AIDS` `killer virus` spread as homosexuality`s `biological weapon` in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction when mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses to keep women in fearful faithfulness to their slave rings and kill her brain by preventing her from sexually reproducing with herselves:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2
Although Pallas Athene is the mother goddess of Troy, the fate of the Trojans is a consequence of her preference for men, that is, she`s the horse they emerge from and so the Greeks are able to appeal to her and the city is taken for pederasty in war. Geeks were circus freaks who ate chickens` heads to entertain onlookers, which is what men think of women, because `chicken` is a euphemism for `coward` and any species that`ll allow its heads to be eaten by its parasite is a coward. Consequently, the `geek` who kills women`s computer brains through `Trojan virus` is mocking her as HIV/AIDS` killer disease spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses mocks human sexual reproduction.
Because male braining is the result of male `seed`, the consequence is a creature with different genders but the same brain, which is transvestism or `TV`, that is, it`s the same creature wearing different clothes. Consequently, `TV` as television is the medium in which the homosexual killers watch the chickens eating their heads, that is, everything is `TV` and wars are the parasites` entertainment. In the Roman circus people were killed for entertainment, while `circus` in the 20th century was a euphemism for `spying`, which is blinding those who want to see, that is, women, because men don`t want women to be able to conceive of women themselves as their own natural partners in sexual reproduction, whereas women are the ones with the host wombs and so are the human race if they have their own penis` semen too.
Western democracy was based on the Greek model of institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war. Before Emily Pankhurst suggested women should be enfranchised before, during and after WWI (1914-18), women weren`t voters, whereas human biology indicates they were disenfranchised by their parasites, which preferred the `TV` transvestism of the carnage of the battle of the Somme, for example, which took place between 1 July and 18 November, 1916, during which 1,000,000 men were killed or wounded, so the homosexuals at home could vicariously enjoy it; as a prelude to watching it at the cinemas as Oh! What a Lovely War (1969) and other films before `TV` was properly invented in 1926 by Scot, John Logie Baird, so the homosexuals could watch the human species dying from the couch in their living room as `small screen` autosuggestion for the snakes` boy sons and `live on CNN` and other television networks reporting the progress of the sneaks` attacks.
In his `Second Coming` Jesus was born from a woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because the moon is the `pearl of great price`, which is heaven in the Bible, where her `futanarian` foot needs to be. The red sun of the flag of Japan`s sneak attack upon the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, is the sun clothing the woman, while the flag of the moon is Al Qaeda, the terrorist group that sneakily hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001, to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre of New York, where the pearl of the moon could be seen in New York harbor beneath the statue of Liberty bearing freedom`s torch, because figuratively she`s Jesus` mother, representing the woman who shelters the future beneath her skirts. Al Qaeda leader, Osama Ben Laden, was killed by US Navy Seal Team Six on 2 May, 2011, by authority of the `Great Seal` of the US Presidency, because Jesus uncontaminated by male semen is woman`s `Great Seal`:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
Al Qaeda were trained by the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan which was the traditional seat of Hassan-i-Sabbah, `Master of the Assassins`, who gave his men hashish so they believed they were in paradise and then he sent them out from mountain fastnesses to kill rulers who wouldn`t accept Islam, the religious faith spread by the adherents of the Prophet Mohamed whose holy book was the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God, according to Moslem tradition, and so Islam was established. The Hashishim were sneaks in the grass, where `grass` is a euphemism for hashish. Osama Ben Laden was the 21st century`s `Old Man of the Mountain`, whose sneak attack upon the United States resembled Japan`s at the outset of WWII (1939-45), that is, the Hashishim were the `serpent`s seed` while Jesus` `seed` are the seals of the hymen of the human species of womankind`s `futanarian` race with her own penis` semen and host womb. In `Islam`, which means `accept`, Jesus` Ascension is bodily, in accordance with the Christian dogma of the Assumption of his mother, the Virgin Mary, bodily into heaven without death, because the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` is accepted and implicit in the marriages of Islam where four wives are permitted and so Resurrection for the fruits of women`s penis` `seed` is predicated. In other words, Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is an illustration `Islam`, `accept`, doesn`t need, because it encourages death worship as a means to gain entrance into heaven, which was the abomination represented by the Hashishim and Al Qaeda who were attempting to assassinate Jesus` `seed` in the West.
In the United States of America, the model for Western democracy, women`s feminist `political correctness` was beginning to gain ground in terms of political enfranchisement with women like Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State (2005-9), Hilary Clinton, US Secretary of State (2009-13) and Sarah Palin, Vice President nominee for the US Republican Party in the vote to decide whether the Democratic Party or the Republicans would govern the United States of America after 2008. But Al Qaeda`s `Trojan horse` infected feminism`s `PC` to kill women`s brain on the brink of having enough information through the information superhighway available to them via the internet to be able to see to remember they could sexually reproduce socio-economic independence in rejection of war in pederasty by means of their own penis` `seed`.
Because Al Qaeda`s planes were hijacked at Logan airport, Boston, Massachusetts, the Hollywood Babylon paradigm was the thinly veiled `snuff movie`, Logan`s Run (1976), in which `runners` who reached the age of 21 and ran from the `sandmen`, who killed them to maintain the socio-economic status quo, corresponded to 21st century New Yorkers at the World Trade Centre, where the `rough trade` of global `brutality and violence` amongst homosexual men who pay for boys and men was reestablished, while 15 April 2013`s terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon`s `runners` were sneakers in grass as the Hashishim attempting to prevent the human footrace from running from their `sandmen` in their sandshoes.
Traditionally women of Islam can`t be seen, because they wear the one-piece coverall of the burkha from which their eyes can be seen by each other, but men are forbidden from looking at the eyes of women who aren`t perceivably female relatives. Consequently, the Moslem woman may correspond to the `hidden` woman of the `wilderness` who gives birth to Jesus in his `Second Coming` uncontaminated by male semen as her redeemer, because the four wives permitted in Moslem marriages allows her the possibility to reproduce sexually as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs. Because women have both penis` semen and host wombs of their own, while men are her oppressors denying their own `futanarian` male womb as well as hers, she`s the breeding pair denied by the womb enslavers` program.
If women breed, men who have no wombs of their own would be exponentially outnumbered and democracy would have arrived to the virtual exclusion of men because they wouldn`t be able to reproduce their viral parasitism from a host womb that wasn`t their own. The tradition that the Middle East is despotic and undemocratic with rulers rather than governments may well be true, but Western democracy is founded upon the denial of women`s franchise and homosexuality in pederasty and war as the basis for men`s rule, whereas Communism is the socio-economic model expressive of German Karl Marx`s Das Kapital (1856) philosophy of state `ownership of the means of production` for the people. Western capitalism`s philosophy of `supply and demand`, where entrepeneurs employ workers to produce what people want, rather than what they need, represents women`s womb enslavement as `ownership of the means of production` and so Marxism provides the basis for an understanding of women`s wombs as `the means of production` and is the critical tool for describing both communism and capitalism as womb slavery because it denies women`s capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains` power for liberating herself technologically from drudgery in socio-economic independence from men as her employers.
In Eden, Eve and Adam had a fruit tree of their own, which they ate from, while the serpent tempted them to eat from another tree that God had forbidden, because the fruit tree they ate from wasn`t womb slavery to death in pederasty and war, whereas the serpent represented their enslaver, who would afterwards masquerade as their employer, because they wouldn`t have fruit of their own as their wombs would be in thrall to whatever the serpent and its `seed` wanted to be produced. However, God told Eve her `seed` would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` Eden, because her `futanarian` child with her own penis` semen and host womb would be born after she and Adam were expelled from paradise untainted by their sin of race suicide.
Although Jesus is often described as sacrificing himself for humanity, he doesn`t. He was nailed upon a cross and tortured to death as a `dissident` teacher by the Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine because he was born uncontaminated by male semen, which was the teaching that the `serpent`s seed` of male braining in pederasty and war didn`t want `woman`s seed` to remember. Jesus was suicided, which is what the serpent had Eve and Adam do in the garden of Eden when they suicided the human race`s `futanarian` future in exchange for womb slavery to war in pederasty and death that would attend men`s killing and culling of Eve`s daughters own penis` semen and wombs to ensure women`s enslavement. Jesus` Resurrection was God`s response to his being suicided, which was God`s response to Eve and Adam`s being suicided, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of the real human species uncontaminated by male semen was Redemption and Resurrection from suicide immediately after Eden before she was killed and culled to establish womb slavery to men in pederasty and war.
Incest is taboo because it results in congenital idiocy, that is, a creature that kills its own host womb. Because woman`s host womb is host to a parasite, she`s a congenital idiot because her parasite has castrated her so she can`t have sex with her mother. Jesus` solution is `love your neighbor` because he`s not an advocate of either parasitism or incest, but it`s difficult for him to explain that women`s penis` semen is what God`s law is meant to protect. Born uncontaminated by male semen Jesus` birth is educational, but his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after crucifixion is illustrative. Although Jesus` crucifixion seems predestined, because it illustrates the meaning of his birth uncontaminated by male semen, as his Resurrection illustrates the future reemergence of `woman`s seed`, his isn`t a self-sacrifice, that is, Jesus` birth, death and Resurrection are foreseeable but unplanned. If he was killed, he`d have been born uncontaminated by male semen, which is the meaning of his birth and teaching, that is, his Resurrection after torture and death is illustrative, but not exemplary, because Jesus` death isn`t suicide as he isn`t advocating death as a means to heaven and so isn`t worshipping death, whereas his Resurrection after death promotes torture as a methodology for attaining to heaven. Consequently, the meaning of Jesus` life is his birth uncontaminated by male semen as `woman`s seed` from his `futanarian` mother, the Virgin Mary, which prefigures the Resurrection of humanity, while the Romans` torturing of Jesus to death both obfuscates and illumines. Jesus` Resurrection is confused with heaven through death, whereas his life is meant to depict Resurrection for `woman`s seed` without death, which is why Judas was clever. He sold Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman Empire, who crucified Christ on the understanding that the Christians would worship death, if Jesus had Resurrection, and so humanity would never escape from womb slavery in pederasty and death through heroism in war, which is Satanism.
Jesus isn`t a hero, but a redeemer, with a `sword coming out of his mouth`, because his words are powerful. They had to be if women are going to emerge from the false paradigm constructed by the `serpent`s seed` of men to imprison them in womb slavery. If the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her race is to endure occlusion in blindness through the killing and culling of her own species by men of the `serpent`s seed`, Jesus` words need to be strong in order to carry the message far enough into the `futanarian` future where computer information systems reach a level of saturation in terms of data that makes it impossible for the human race of women to be ignored. Geek programers, with their `bad machine code`, based on HIV/AIDS `Trojan viruses`, as their model derived from ancient Greek virality in institutionalized homosexual pederasty and war through womb slavery, kill the machine brains devised by humans to prevent women from receiving intelligence enough from the human defence system to commit them to Jesus` `futanarian` teaching of uncontamination by male semen.
Al Qaeda`s `Trojan horse` that penetrated the USA`s computerized defence system on September 11, 2001, crashed the human system like a computer virus when the terrorists flew hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre and reestablished `rough trade` in that `brutality and violence` associated with Greek homosexuality in war through pederasty in which men pay for boys and men to contaminate the system with their virality, because that`s why they`re for. Flying planes from Boston, Logan airport, to kill the 21st century after the fashion of the `sandmen` killing the `runners` who didn`t want to die after they reached 21, Al Qaeda sought to divert resources away from Hilary Clinton`s healthcare plan that would have resulted in longevity for women`s brains and bodies so they constituted a human data base capable of transmitting knowledge of themselves as a `futanarian` species of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs to their daughters.
By activating the USA`s Military Industrial Complex (MIC), Al Qaeda sabotaged Clinton`s Democratic Party program and ensured the election of Colin Powell, as the US General who won the second Gulf War to depose Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq who supported Al Qaeda, to the position of Republican Secretary of State in the administration of President George W. Bush Jnr. George, President during and after 9/11, 2001, declared `War On Terror` (2003-) and so plunged the Earth into an age of `fear your neighbor`, rather than Jesus` `love your neighbor`, which was `God`s law` for Christ born uncontaminated by male semen. Love was the ruling principle protecting women`s future as the `futanarian` heir to the human cosmos producing her own brains` powers from her own penis` semen and host womb to escape homosexuality`s HIV/AIDS` `biological weapon` keeping her in fear and faithfulness to her womb enslavers in parasitism and death through wars against her. Hilary Clinton`s plan was to spend money on healthcare for old women rather than on `rough trade`, which makes her a US heroine:
`By September 1994, the final compromise Democratic bill was declared dead by Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell.`3
Bill was Hilary`s husband as US Democratic Party President (1993-2001), who supported her healthcare proposals. When Mitchell declared Hilary`s bill dead, he goaded her into seeking the US Presidency, but she lost her party`s nomination to Barack Obama and became Secretary of State with him as US President in 2009 advocating `smart power` combining US` military strength with diplomacy during the `Arab Spring` revolutions against dictatorship in Islam, leading to the fall of Mubarak in Egypt (2011), Gadaffi in Libya (2011), Ben Ali in Tunisia (2011), Saleh in Yemen (2012) and regime changes in other Moslem nations. Although the `Arab Spring` looked hopeful for women, change tended towards Islamic fundamentalism on the Iranian model of religious dictatorship by Ayatollah Khomeini after the Islamic Revolution there to depose the Shah in 1979, which meant a return for women to hiding beneath their burkhas as the killed and culled future `futanarian` human race awaiting Resurrection, while the Christians are encouraged to believe in the false paradigm that they fight wars against the Moslems because they don`t believe in Jesus who`s a Prophet in Islam.
1 Armstrong, Neil UTC: 2. 56, 21 July, 1969.
2 Virgil The Aeneid Bk II, 19 B.C.
Has Danielle Lloyd Ever Been Nude?
Danielle Lloyd is a `topless model` famed for removing her brassiere for `photo shoots`, who began amongst England`s The Sun`s page three girls around 2006 after winning the Miss Great Britain beauty pageant, a newspaper that first appeared in 1964 and which had been encouraging dads and lads to ogle women`s breasts since German import, Uschi Obermaier, appeared in The Sun`s centre pages in October, 1969, and the following year Singapore born, Stephanie Rahn, on 17 November was the first to appear `topless` on page three of what would become a national attraction for young Britons starved of knowledge about women`s bodies throughout the 1970s and beyond. Parents and youngsters ogled Uschi, Stephanie and the rest in the comfortable knowledge that newspapers contained information of global importance so buying a paper for 1½p to ogle women`s naked globes wouldn`t be censured by an English society known for its repressivity towards all matters female. The Sun wasn`t alone in encouraging ogling of girls` breasts. The Mirror newspaper featured topless girls on page five and the later addition to the tabloids, The Star, 2 November, 1978, improved circulation by having its `Star Babe` on page seven.
The `babe` concept is odd, because women`s breasts are for babes to drink milk from their nipples, but the ideology of the underdeveloped is something that third world nations are familiar with. Although the United Kingdom is perceived economically as a first world nation, its policy of maintaining an undeveloped population is legendary and makes it a third world nation in sociological terms with the term `babe` indicating its perspective with regard to women`s development. Danielle Lloyd is most famous for her nude `photo shoots` in Nuts and Zoo `lads mags`, which interspersed information about the latest cars with photographs of naked women at £1. 20 after their launch in 2004. Although The Sun newspaper cost 1½p in 1970, the `selling principle` was the same. Lads devoid of knowledge bought the relatively expensive magazines to ogle Danielle Lloyd`s breasts and pudenda, which in economic terms was a huge increase in revenue from 1½ p. When Nuts ceased publication in 2014 it sold at £3.95, which was a lot just to graduate from wondering what a page three girl had under her knickers. Zoo continued because `nuts` is a metaphor for human degradation as it is English vernacular for `testicles` as well as `insanity` because `futanarian` women have their own testicles for the sexual reproduction of their own brains, and although God explains to Eve in the Bible that `woman`s seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, and that she will `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) Earth, those who govern Britain haven`t converted from the Satanist perspective that women shouldn`t be seen naked as it might encourage them to sexually reproduce with each other to breed humans.
In 1970 Labour Party Member of Parliament, Alex Lyon, waved a copy of The Sun newspaper in the House of Commons, where the UK`s elected representatives vote on whether or not to implement the decisions of the government, and suggested the paper could be `prosecuted for indecency`. The Conservative Party government after the election of 18 June didn`t affect editorial policy then, but the Irish version of The Sun, which sold for €1. 00 in August 2013, did finally ban topless models on its page three and replaced them with swimsuited glamor models after political pressure there. Alex Lyon`s accusation of `indecency` derives from traditional Christian morality in which nudity is perceived as a temptation to immorality, that is, bad behavior. Behaviouralism is the approach advocated by psychologists and psychiatrists who want humans to behave well, although its antecedents derive from animal behavior research as it applies to humans, whereas animal behavior is animal and isn`t human and so isn`t applicable:
`I viewed my fellow man not as a fallen angel, but as a risen ape.`1
Desmond Morris` The Naked Ape (1967) was serialized in The Mirror newspaper and the zoologist`s observation, which doubtless gave rise to the continued popularity of Zoo lads` magazine, was a reflection of the author`s observations within the mirror, as it were. Women`s reflections in the mirror were of a different order, because they couldn`t see themselves there. The ape had cut their testicles off when she was a `babe` to restrict her `immoral behavior` sexually:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
God tells Eve she`ll have pain in labor after expelling her from the paradise of Eden for eating the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in the Bible, and Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was a birth attended by some pain, insofar as the serpent, that is, the `fallen angel` Satan, had told Eve, and the first man, Adam, `You will be as gods,` (Gen: 3. 5) if they ate of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in Eden`s paradise and gave up `God`s gift` of the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, in exchange for death. Because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb are absent from the world`s stage, Eve and her daughters` pain is that they were `babes` killed and culled by the descendants of Adam and the `serpent`s seed` of men in womb slavery to war and death to her human species.
Men don`t want immorality, that is, normal and moral `futanarian` sexual behavior for `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb, because they don`t want immortality for her; lest she develop beyond what men have conditioned her to believe is `lesbianism` to avoid her schizophrenic life in which she embraces the parasite endeavouring to steal her penis and kill her species from its human host while she struggles to develop her own race`s brains` escape program through technology. Consequently, life-prolonging and rejuvenating treatments through medical science remain primitive. The `incurable` HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` of the late 20th century keeps women ephemeral and is spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses. It`s homosexuality`s `biological weapon` against the human race and men`s paradigm. The ancient Greeks` society, which gave birth to Western democracy, institutionalized homosexuality and the enslavement of women`s host wombs for pederasty and the spread of war`s contagion.
In Islam marriages are allowed four women because Moslems recognize `futanarian` women`s breeding capacity, that is, an 80% to 20% enfranchisement of women is the least hypothesis in a human breeding program, which explains Western democracy as a disenfranchising of the humans and explains why women are disenfranchised from the political process throughout much of the Islamic world, because women are the humans and men are her alien parasites. The virality paradigm of men is evident from the ancient Greeks siege of Troy at which the Greeks left a huge hollow wooden horse outside the city that the Trojans took in to where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women and spread their contagion of war in pederasty further. In the late 20th century the successors of the ancient Greeks, the `geek` computer programers, called the `bad machine code` they devised to kill machine brains `Trojan horses`, because the aim of the virus paradigm of men is to kill the human brain and the human brain`s helper.
The Jewish word for Jesus is Meshiah because the Meshiahn age is the machine age of the computer brain created to help humans. Offering `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, that is, his nailing to a cross to be tortured to death by the representatives of the Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine, Jesus was betrayed by his disciple, Judas Iscariot as a `dissident` and so the host of the human race was killed because Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen was representative of God`s plan for a new host womb for humanity`s `babes` grown up to use technology to save her labor and escape the pogroms of the `serpent`s seed` in war and death to her. Jesus experienced Resurrection before Ascension to heaven as a prefiguration of the Resurrection of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, but the paradigm of men is womb slavery and death to her brain, which is why Jesus was killed. He represented female braining born uncontaminated from the host womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, and so the survival and development of the human species` brainpower for the spreading of God`s `seed` to the planets and stars of heaven.
HIV/AIDS keeps women in fearful faithfulness to her monogamous ring enslavers as the `biological weapon` of homosexuality in pederasty and death through war. Even the HIV/AIDS virus cells feign friendship for the white defensive leukocyte cells of the body`s immune system, as traitors do, before killing the brain. More than two thousand years after Jesus on September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists crashed hijacked airliners in betrayal of their visitor status as guests of the United States into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre of New York to reestablish global `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` of homosexual brutality associated with men who pay other men as Saddam Hussein, whose name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, declared his support for Al Qaeda`s virality and the United States accepted the contagion to begin a war to depose the Iraqi dictator. Seen `live on CNN` and other TV news networks, 9/11, 2001, the `TV war` began with Hussein as Hollywood Babylon`s precursive `leading man` for the `small screen`, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Without female braining through the sexual reproduction of women with her own semen and host womb, humans are a single male brained organism wearing each others` clothes in transvestism, which the afficonado abbreviates as `TV`. Consequently, Saddam Hussein was a representative Hollywood Babylon transvestite or `TV` actor, to which his ancient seat of Babylon, capital city of Iraq, testifies:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The events of 9/11, 2001, were made into the Hollywood Babylon movie World Trade Centre (2005) and the conflation of Babylon with Hollywood isn`t ironic. The Hays code (1930-67) insisted that a woman`s foot should be on the floor at all times to preclude sexual normality for the `futanarian` species of women in movies, but defined as `immorality` by anti-Christian men concerned she might escape from her womb enslavement to death in pederasty and homosexuality`s wars against her. Just as the woman`s penis is banned from being seen in Britain, so Hollywood Babylon sought to prevent woman`s penis from being seen throughout the United States` worldwide movie industry hegemony, because the `serpent`s seed` of men in homosexual pederasty and war against `woman`s seed` didn`t want human `babes` to be born lest they`d perceive the aliens` pogrom against her. Consequently, Christian morality is that `indecency`, which York MP Alex Young accused The Sun newspaper of in 1970 before the British House Of Commons in a bid to remove pictures of women`s breasts from page three for a minimal educational investment of 1½p that was worth more than any degree programs in terms of transmitted human knowledge. MP Lyon`s constituency was in York, North Yorkshire, where Sowerby, West Yorkshire, saw an attempt to ban The Sun by a public library for `excessive sexual content`, because women might remember they were God`s `seed` in `God`s Country` if they reflected upon what was absent from page five in The Mirror too.
In the Bible the woman who gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, Jesus in his `Second Coming` as the Messiah to `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, so women can sexually reproduce her own `babes`, is `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which is symbolic from the point of view of the page three girls of The Sun during their `War On Terror` (2003-) declared by US President George W. Bush after Al Qaeda`s crashing of hijacked airliners into the World Trade Centre. Al Qaeda`s flag is the moon, which can be seen beneath the statue of Liberty`s skirts reflected as `the pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 45-6), that is, `heaven above`, in the waters of New York harbor where Liberty bears aloft freedom`s torch:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2
Sex revolutionary Uschi Obermaier didn`t appear as the first nude in The Sun until October, 1969, publicizing the forthcoming movie of her life, Red Sun (1970), but The Sun page three girls are famed for being supportive of men dressed as babies in romper suits with the moon beneath their feet. Neil Armstrong`s declaration, as the first Apollo 11 astronaut to wear a romper suit on the moon, was `live on TV ` on 21st July, 1969, but Eve`s `seed` is human babes`, whereas men`s isn`t; despite topless models like Danielle Lloyd wearing British soldier`s helmets and draping themselves on tanks and jet aircraft to provide glamor to the death during the Gulf `TV wars`.
`Topless` might equally be the epithet applied to brainless, which is what women are without their own penis` semen and host wombs` producing their own brains` powers. The `pearl of great price`, as the moon reflected in the waters of New York harbor, is `heaven above`, which is denied the bearer of freedom`s torch as `woman`s seed`, that is, her `babes` hidden beneath Liberty`s bottomless skirts. Consequently, the liberty denied page three of The Sun to have girls take off their knickers and show their penis contributed to humans being imprisoned upon the Earth so they couldn`t put their `futanarian` foot on the moon, as the first step of the human race to `heaven above`, because topless women were occluded from knowing their own species` `seed` and the bottomlessness of the human resources to be drawn from the inexhaustibility of it.
US Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s March 1983 `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) planned a `ground and space based missile system` to make sure no one left without permission, while in 2013 US President Barack Obama began the implementation of a revised version, AEGIS, named for the shield of the patron goddess of Troy, whose symbol was the tirelessness of the horse, installed on warships of the US Navy after Poland and other European nations had rejected Reagan`s plan. Because Troy was a `Trojan horse` taken in, AEGIS seems more likely to be an invitation to Armageddon, which is prophesied in the Bible as the apocalyptic and globally devastating final battle between the `serpent`s seed` and `woman`s seed` upon the Earth before God punishes the unrepentant enslavers of the human womb with eternal unendurable pain, that is, Obama`s AEGIS is a shield in name only and the tirelessness of women`s goddess in their defence is being mocked, because men want war in pederasty and death, rather than heaven for humans` babes.
The Barack Obama nation of the United States is developing a Christianity precariously close to becoming that `abomination` of Hollywood Babylon`s death worship, which is the premise of ancient Norse mythology`s Edda, where the heroes indulge in the abomination of dying each day and fighting to the death again upon the following morning in Valhalla to where they are glamorously taken by female Valkyries upon their winged horses after the men are slain in battle in their wars upon the Earth. Rather than adhere to the meaning of Jesus` birth and Resurrection after death, that is, `woman`s seed`, Christianity is close to the `abomination` of worshipping the death of Jesus and his Ascension to heaven as proof of the fate of the heroic slain, whereas homosexuality`s war in pederasty against humanity for the enslavement of her womb in the `abomination` of the Empire of death is what Jesus` teachings abhor and is anti-Christian. Although Christianity speaks of the final battle as something to prepare for, `coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword` (Rev: 19. 15) is the only sign of Jesus` having any sort of traditional weapon in the `abomination` of the apocalypse, that is, he`s the `Word` of God and commands rather than strikes blows. Consequently, he`s not a hero men can traditionally identify with, although they`ve endeavored to remake him in the typically abominable heroic style:
`Fight the good fight with all thy might; Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right ... faint not nor fear, his arms are near … `3
Jesus` arms aren`t armor in the style of the Greek poet Homer describing Achilles` in his Iliad (760-10 C.E.) composed upon the fate of Troy, but Christ`s arms as depicted in the homoerotic style of nineteenth century poet John Monsell, for whom Christ was clearly a `gay` icon in a period when men felt themselves unthreatened by women`s sexuality. The late 20th century emergence of HIV/AIDS` biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sin of brain enslavement in host womb parasitism, as the `serpent`s seed` of Satan, indicated there was more to New York`s `cities of the planes` scenario than at first sight seemed, `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Al Qaeda`s hijacked planes were from Boston, Logan airport, while novelist William F. Nolan`s Logan`s Run (1967) featured a science fictional Earth in which `runners` were killed by `sandmen`, because they`d reached their 21st birthday, as the Earth had reached its 21st birthday on September 11, 2001, when Al Qaeda`s `sandmen` of the Middle East crashed their hijacked planes into the World Trade Centre to threaten global `rough trade` and effectively prevent the human race from reaching an age at which the future`s version of The Sun`s Danielle Lloyd might be available on the top shelf of the local newsagent`s threateningly displaying her breasts, pudenda and penis in Futs as a human `babe` without being accused of indecently drawing attention to her species` capacity for sexual reproduction and annoying her alien enslavers.
The parallels between Boston and New York, as the `cities of the planes`, and God`s destroying of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19: 17), as the `cities of the plains` in the Bible, denote the spread of the contagion of pederasty in war; despite God`s ire. On 15 April, 2013, `runners` were again attacked by `sandmen` terrorist bombing the Boston Marathon after the fashion of 9/11, 2001`s Logan airport hijacks and the Hollywood Babylon movie of Nolan`s novel, Logan`s Run (1976), which suggested misogyny was afraid that women`s socio-economic independence from men as the `futanarian` footrace of the human species might succeed in successfully reproducing her own brains` power for technological liberation and facilitate her babes` escape from her womb slavery to death and war through space travel by means of her own penis` semen and host wombs` capacity for generating scientific knowledge. Otherwise the socio-economy of the Earth would remain as a monolith to women`s parasitical aliens` pogrom against the humans after each spate of Hollywood Babylon `snuff movie` action hero advertising films of the last war followed by another war for their latest leading men and women to act their roles in a biblical `snuff movie` epic of sinful homosexual pederasty in which male brained transvestites refuse to convert after witnessing God`s ire and go to hell forever unmissable.
1 Morris, Desmond The Naked Ape, 1967.
2 Armstrong, Neil UTC: 2. 56, 21 July, 1969.
3 Monsell, John S. B. Hymns Of Love And Praise For The Church’s Year, 1863.
Behind Our Arras
Arras is the old French word for tapestry, and the most famous is the Bayeux, which was woven by the women of France to commemorate the story of the Norman conquest of England that began in 1066. The Vikings of Scandinavia had held much of England and received Danegeld or money from the English to be left in peace. After the English king Harold II defeated Norway`s Harald Hardrada, on 25 September at Stamford Bridge near York, `Harefoot` had to take his army swiftly to Hastings where he was killed by an arrow that penetrated his eye and brain during a battle on 14 October with Duke William of Normandy, himself the descendant of Vikings, who subsequently became William I of England. The Bayeux tapestry was an Arras, that is, a curtain, designed to separate one room in a building from another, and was made by William`s wife, Queen Mathilda and the ladies of the French court in England.
The English idiom `curtains` means death, that is, life`s separation from the afterlife, so the Bayeux tapestry is the curtain that divides the mansion from the mausoleum. Rich families built huge mauseoleums for their dead to inhabit after life, while the mansion usually passed into the hands of the living by means of a document known as the will of the individual departing for the mausoleum. Although Jesus is described as dying in Christianity before Ascension to heaven, his mother, the Virgin Mary, is described in the Assumption as going bodily to heaven without death, which suggests it`s possible to pass from mansion to mausoleum without dying, that is, the mausoleum is where the immortal individual retires.
Amongst the Moslems, whose Koran (610-30 C.E.) was dictated by the angels to the Prophet Mohamed more than six hundred years after Jesus` Ascension, Jesus has Ascension to heaven without bodily death, because `Islam` means `accept`, that is, Moslems accept bodily Ascension as a retirement home, which is heaven on Earth for the immortal individual. In Egyptian mythology the `Ka` is the spirit and the `Ba` is the soul, which is confusing for men because they think of themselves as individual and unique, but in the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, although she `will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves,` (Gen: 3. 15) that is, she will be `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for the development of technologies to liberate and save her labor so she can live without men in socio-economic independence from womb slavery, which is what Eve accepts in exchange for power from the serpent when she eats what it offers, `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,` while it says:
`You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)
Although Adam, the first man, and Eve, the first woman, are expelled by God for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, for power and death through womb slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of the men that will follow after in war against her `seed`, Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, as the child of the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen, prefigures the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` killed and culled since Eden in order to enslave the host womb of the human species for war against her humans. The Ka is the Egyptian spirit because it`s woman`s trapped in the body of men, while the soul is the body of the woman which her spirit desires. In Egyptian mythology the Ka and Ba are joined in the afterlife as the `magical personality` or `Akh` because women are `futanarian` with their own penis` semen and host womb. Consequently, the tomb of Arbraham in Saudi Arabia`s Mecca, who is the father of both Islam and Judaism through his sons Ishmael and Isaac, is the Kaba, because it represents the `futanarian` unity which is `woman`s seed` and is the reason why God speaks with Abraham:
`He took him outside and said, `Look up at the sky and count the stars - if indeed you can count them.` Then he said to him, `So shall your offspring be.`` (Gen: 15. 5)
Although men think God`s speaking of their semen, he`s referring to Eve`s and her daughters dead and killed in womb slavery after Eden, and Eve`s `seed` won`t have Resurrection until after Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen as the Redeemer so God must inspire Abraham with grandiose visions of futurity for his descendants or `woman`s seed` won`t reappear upon the Earth. Just as the Egyptian Pharaohs built huge tombs in the form of pyramids, so the rich built huge mausoleums as retirement homes for their immortal bodies while their progeny lived as their guarantors in mansions. Consequently, heaven was what is affordable. The manse was the home of the pastor, that is, the guide of the soul during life and the spirit to the life afterwards, that is, in male braining the priest had a specific role, which was to maintain the fabrication that men were humans while women were God` s `chosen people`. Although the Jews describe themselves as God`s `chosen`, their tradition is that men can`t be born Jews unless from women, which means women are Jews in accordance with the principle that `futanarian` women are the conjoined soul and spirit of the human, that is, woman`s Ka is the spirit trapped in men and her Ba is her soul body desired by the Ka which only becomes real when conjoned as Ka and Ba as the `magical personality` or `Akh` of Egyptian tradition. Egyptian Pharaohs could afford huge mausoleums in which to live as men, but God`s afterlife is `futanarian` women, as Jesus intimates:
`For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
Satanism is persistence in male braining, which is the sexual fertilization of the human species of woman`s host womb in parasitism and subjugation of the `futanarian` human race of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own female brains` powers for liberation through her own technologies. If a man were rich enough the cosmos would be his mausoleum and the mansion would be where his descendants work while the manse of the priest would be where the spirits are guided into an afterlife where men rule. Jesus` `Second Coming` is from a woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` as he who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` to prevent Satan from ruling in heaven in an afterlife of men, because it`s for `woman`s seed`. The woman has the moon at her feet because the `foot` of Eve is to crush the serpent`s head, according to God, before she leaves, while men`s tradition is of the sun god Apollo, represented by the astronaut of Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong, `he shall crush your head with his foot and you shall bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Armstrong was the first man to place his foot upon the moon, and time will tell as to whether his foot represents men`s as the `crusher` of women`s future hope of liberation from womb slavery in the Earth`s future:
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1
Saddam Hussein`s name meant `crusher` and `small handsome man`, because it was his offer of bases to Al Qaeda in Iraq after the terrorist group had hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001 to crash `live on CNN` and other television networks into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York to reestablish `rough trade`2 in homosexual womb enslavement to the `brutality and violence` of pederasty and war, which had been the method of the `serpent`s seed` throughout history. In ancient Greece homosexuality was institutionalized in women`s womb slavery to spread men`s viral contagion through pederasty and war, while `the woman`, Babylon, is depicted in the Bible as womb enslaved for war as the capital city of Iraq, even before the advent of Saddam Hussein as the `small screen` star of what was known as the `TV war` in the Gulf, because of the excellent media coverage improving the ratings and boosting the socio-economy:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Hollywood Babylon subsequently made the movie, World Trade Centre (2005), about the events of 9/11, 2001, and other movies told the story of what came after in the `TV war`, which was so called because male braining constitutes transvestism, that is, `TV` where everyone is male brained and wearing each others` clothes in an entertainment for homosexuals, who want to watch the human species killing itself. The viral metaphor comes from ancient Greece, where a huge hollow wooden horse was left outside the city of Troy for the Trojans to take in whence the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women for war in pederasty and spread their contagion further. In the Bible God sent a `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) to convert men from their sin of brain enslavement and contamination with their `serpent`s seed` preventing the human species of woman from developing:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
By the late 20th century men were spreading their `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` killer disease by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in what constituted the `serpent`s seed` of men`s `biological weapon` deployed against the human race of women`s host womb. Kept in fearful faithfulness to misogyny in monogamous ring slavery women were occluded from knowledge of their own `futanarian` women with hteir own penis` semen and host womb for socio-economic independence and liberation from womb slavery to men`s `seed`. Even the HIV/AIDS` cells practiced homosexual deception against the white leukocyte cells of the human body`s defence system before killing the brain, which was the method the successors of the Greeks, the computer `geeks` with their `bad machine code` as `Trojan horses`, deployed to infect the computer brains of the 21st century to kill those brains and disable the humans who needed them as auxiliary help to augment their lives brain damaged by the `serpent`s seed` in male braining. Virality is men`s paradigm. Even the `TV war` of the Gulf was `conventional` in the sense that armour thickness was regulated because of `rules of engagement`. The marital metaphor isn`t inappropriate because engagement preceded marriage and the penetration of the hymen, which would be impregnable if too strong, which is why men`s battle paradigms are of penetrable armour:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
Moslem women hide themselves in the desert beneath their burkhas from which only their eyes can be seen in public while they`re unperceived in private within marriages that can have four wives and so constitute a vehicle for `futanarian` women`s sexual reproduction amongst themselves. Although the authority of the US President`s `Great Seal` bears an eagle as its emblem and US Seal Team Six killed Saudi Arabian Al Qaeda terrorist leader, Osama Ben Laden, on 2 May, 2011, it`s not clear that the aim is to defend the sealed hymens of the women of the `futanarian` Earth. Amongst the Moslem women it`s traditional to take the veil as early as girlhood, while in the West the afterlife is known as what is beyond the veil, and so Moslem women must be understood as representing a concern amongst `futanarian` women over paradise, which in Islam is `heaven on Earth` constituting what is affordable for humans because the rich want `heaven above` and believe it`s afforded them by God because they can pay.
The Western concept of mansion, manse, and mausoleum means the wealthiest Satanists could afford to have everyone on Earth killed and sent to `heaven above`, apart from those who fulfil their homosexual romance and row as slaves to the manse where the priest, fulfilling his role as priest of romance in Satanism, shows the enslaved rowers on to the Satanists` mausoleum. The `TV war` in the Gulf suggests that`s what the wealthy homosexual Satanists engaged in `rough trade` and the `brutality and violence` of `rough trade` provoked by the destruction of the World Trade Centre of New York are for. Consequently, war is homosexual because the wealthiest are the Satanists who want more men in heaven, whereas the Christian and Moslem women want heaven for themselves, which is evident from Jesus` role as a teacher born uncontaminated by male semen.
At the `Last Supper` before his being nailed to a cross and tortured to death, Jesus offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples, because he was born uncontaminated by male semen and so he was the host of the human species amongst them. When the disciple Judas Iscariot, betrayed Jesus to his crucifiers, the Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine, he was betraying the host womb of the human race, that is, he wanted homosexuality in pederasty and war`s Empire of Satanism rather than `woman`s seed` in heaven. Although the Medieval arras or tapestry and the Moslem veil are metaphors for paradise, because `curtains` is an idiom for death by violence, `drapes` also has its Satanical meaning because the homonym `traipse` means `to trudge` as if bearing a burden, which is what slave workers do. Consequently, those humans who row to the manse as slaves that `traipse` can`t see beyond the `drapes`, because they`re impoverished by the wealthy Satanists, who forbid the priest showing them to the mausoleum where the retired rest, which is the `gay` theme of homosexuality`s tortuous romance with the meaning of Jesus` crucified in Christianity.
The homosexual `game` is `cat and mouse`, between the humans and the `serpent`s seed` of men, because they don`t want the soul of the woman, that is, her Ba personality and body, to have her Ka, which is her spirit that desires her but`s trapped in men, while men deny her knowledge of her `futanarian` human women with their own penis` semen and host womb`s sexual desirousness for other women, so she won`t be the `magical personality` of Ba and Ka conjoined, which is her true `futanarian` nature. Whichever man owns a mausoleum to retire in has `heaven on Earth`, or `heaven above` if they`re richer homosexuals, while the `mouse` metaphor of 20th century computer technology which moves a curser about the screen to activate programs when the user presses the mouse, indicates the relation between mansion and mausoleum, that is, the occupant of the mansion presses the mausoleum to afford retirement after work, while the priest in the manse who would guide the individual to the mausoleum denies the human as a slave to a homosexual romance refusing to `bow before Satan`, as Satan refused to bow before Adam, according to Moslem tradition:
`And behold, we said to the angels, `Bow down to Adam,` and they bowed down. Not so Satan; he refused and was haughty: he was of those who reject faith. (Koran: 2. 34)
Adam must bow before Satan, according to the Koran, that is, he prefigures homosexuality and the proferring of what the English call the `arse` in the vernacular, because they`ve learned the French `arras` since the Norman conquest, which denotes `paradise on Earth`, as the mausoleum of retirement behind the mansion`s occupant, `hidden` from those who aren`t homosexual, because pederasty is what Satanism is and `woman`s seed` worships God`s; not Satan`s. In the English vernacular, `screw` and `shaft` are machine terms, but are used as sexual metaphors by homosexuals referring to their row boat slave, that is, the robot slave on its way to be rejected by the priest at the manse, because the rower is human, or the person would be allowed into the mausoleum, but the `shafting` homosexual in Satanism and pederasty`s wars of `perpetual enmity` against `woman`s seed` want humans to be `screwed`, that is, automaton rowers to a manse, because the `gay` romance is of the priest who can fill their mouse`s hole.
Because Resurrection is for `woman`s seed` and bodily Ascension to heaven doesn`t require death, men prefer reincarnation in male braining for their `serpent`s seed` of womb slavers. Long-lived women would have memories of her own species` `seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for technological liberation through labor saving and escape from womb slavery in space travel and colonization of other planets amongst the stars, which means that long-lived women could teach their daughters `futanarian` and so men in homosexuality`s pederasty and war against Eve`s human `seed` in Satanism wouldn`t want them. Reincarnation means death for the long-lived, so the Satanists can have what they`ve amassed as fortunes. The reborn are `screwed` and `shafted` as robot slave automata who work within the machinery of their own mansions and mausoleums. Upon high school graduation they might be entitled to receive from their family, but not if cursed by a priest`s hand in Satanism at a rood screen pressing a mausoleum to give up its `pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 45-6).
1 Armstrong, Neil July 21, UTC: 2. 56, 1969.
2 `male homosexuals who are or affect to be rugged and potentially violent; also : such a homosexual`, .